Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Quick Boring 'Layout' Question for my Readers...

Just a quick one...

Last night I published my post showing the African Flower hanging and the layout all looked right on my home laptop.  When I got to work today and popped in for a quick look on my work laptop (because I'm addicted!) two of the pictures were side by side - with one of them overlapping into the Blog Archive list on the right hand side.  That isn't how it looked at home!  Very annoying!

I've now edited the post so that it looks right at work (when I get home... who knows how it will look!)

I was just wandering how it appeared on everyone else's screens last night?  Was the layout right, or were two pictures side by side with one overlapping into the right hand column?

One other question... when I edit posts do they appear in your Reading List again?  That could be annoying if the same post keeps re-appearing because I keep editing it!

Thanks!  (And sorry for the boring post - I just had to know!)


  1. The photos were fine at this end lovely, probably 'Blogger' playing silly beggers agin xxx

  2. Hi Maria,

    Just love your African flower hanging. I notice that the reflection in the mirror adds a certain dimension to it as well!! Well done.

    Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. All looks good to me! And no when you edit posts it just comes up the once!

    Blogger does have problems now and again - it deleted my whole reading list a few days ago! Was not happy :)

    Rhi x

  4. All fine at my end too. I had never thought about how edits effect posts before. Nice to know they don't keep appearing at the top of the list!
    Haven't started the crochet frock-protector for my bike yet. Have a sneaky suspicion I would love it but others would think I'm bonkers! Particularly because I have a mountain bike and not a pretty vintage one with a wicker basket! LOL!
    Becky x


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