If you've been reading along for a while, you will know that I bought my home in May 2013, and it needed a lot of de-grannifying! You can find links to the transformations I've made in my Home Improvements tab.
My living room was one of the first rooms decorated, but it's taken me this long to take pictures of it, as I always felt I needed to change it further and improve it some more. However, I've realised that I could end up waiting forever, so it's best to just share the improvements I have made. In fact, these pictures were taken March 2016, which is when I started writing this post. I'm finally finishing it and sharing it with you now!
Estate Agent Picture |
Above you can see how the living room looked when I first went to view it - in good condition, but very dated!
It had to get worse before it got better...
During |
It became quite the building site as you can see above! Until, finally...
After |
It is quite a tricky room to get good pictures of. Or I think that possibly the day I took the 'after' pictures was perhaps a bit too bright, or not the right light. But it was a rare tidy day, so I took the opportunity!
Below is the room before, facing the other way...
Before |
And after...
After |
After |
The changes included:
- Getting the ceilings plastered
- Stripping the wallpaper and painting the walls
- Ripping out the old fireplace and getting a logburner fitted
- Removing the electric heaters and having central heating installed (in the whole house)
- Getting new carpets laid
- Getting the old back door and windows replaced with patio doors
- Replacing internal doors (although none of the 'before' shots show them)
The below view shows the old back door (which you can also see in the first two pictures of this post) and the ugly old electric heaters...
Before |
Which now looks a bit like the below photos (unfortunately they're not from the same angle/position - I should have checked my before shots before taking after shots when I took these last year!). I also annoyingly have better light and photos for some of my before shots than my after shots, which is not ideal in the whole 'before and after' game! Ah well, it all gives you an idea. As I said before... if I were to wait for perfection, you'd never get to see any of this at all!
After |
After |
After |
And as you can't see the patio doors properly in any of the after pictures, here is a before and after from around the time they were done back in 2013 - tricky taking a picture straight into the light, though!
Before |
After |
And a bit of a clearer before and after of the logburner side of the room - again, the pictures aren't the same angle, but you get the idea...
Before |
After |
It actually looks quite cluttered in the after picture, especially compared to the empty before shot, without any furniture when the room was not in use!
After |
The logburner glass could have done with a clean before I took all these! You can see much better pictures of the fireplace changes in my FIREPLACE TRANSFORMATION POST.
Well, I think that's that for the living room transformation! I'm glad to have finally got it on the blog, although I would have liked to have better photos and more styling in the room. It's recorded at last, though!
Check out the links below, to see some of the other rooms which have been de-grannified! There are some big transformations!!