Sunday, 30 September 2012

Owlie Ta-Dah!

Well, here is my Owlie Ta-Dah!  My main September monthly make too - just scraping in!

It's a case for my mobile phone.

It's lined with pink felt, with a little pocket on one side, also lined in pink felt.  (Not sure what the pocket is for, but it adds a nice bit of interest!  The other side is just the owlie material, with a big wooden button to fasten...

It took me longer than it should have, and was a bit of a fiddley little blighter to make.  I was a bit fed up with it by the time I'd finished, and not that happy with it.  After a night's sleep, though, I decided I love it!

How many pictures of the same thing do you need to see?!?!

So there you have it!  I'll try to be more productive in October.  I have been crafting, just not finishing anything this month (like the never-ending Waterlily blanket!)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

All Sorts...


Doesn't that cake look delicious?  Raspberry swirl cupcake (bought not made, I'm afraid!) - it was goooood!

I've been having a massive sort and clear-out in my bedroom.  I thought I'd share a picture, as I'm taking part in Cherry Heart's Pretty Crafty Home.  This qualifies as tidying and de-cluttering - there isn't any craft involved.

Unfortunately I didn't take a before shot, but here is the after shot:

Those hooks have my colourful jewellery hanging from them - bracelets at the top, necklaces at the bottom.  That has actually been there for a while, but it's the clean tidiness that is the change!  I pulled the furniture out and hoovered behind, cleaning down the skirting boards - then I cleared and tidied the drawers and the piles of rubbish on top of them.  I actually found my watch that I'd lost a few weeks ago!  I'd thought I must have thrown it away by mistake as I'd searched high and low for it... but there it was - hiding amongst the debris!  (That might give a clue to how messy it was before!)  The spaces between units were also crammed with random things... now let's see how long before it ends up like that again!

I have also been lucky enough to win a giveaway!  Thank you so much to Helen Phillips - I was so pleased to win!  If you don't already know her, head over to her blog - it is always full of the most gorgeous photos of beautiful creations - she is very talented.

Here was my parcel, front and back...

And inside...

... a beautiful handmade big pin cushion, lovely Cath Kidston buttons and a gorgeous handmade tag (it's my little Mumsie's birthday tomorrow, so I've got the perfect use for that tag, she's going to love it - I hope she doesn't read this before then!)

Thank you so much Helen for such a lovely giveaway, I was very lucky to win.

Before I go - I have made a little something using the below selection of goodies...

Just need to take a photo of it.  It will be my September Monthly Make (in the nick of time!) along with the Swedish Chocolate balls from this post.

Until next time.......

Saturday, 22 September 2012


Well, it's been a busy last week - the Lumberjack and I have had the week off work and have been away to the Isle of Wight and Somerset, visiting family.  It's so good to have a break from work!

My crafting has suffered, but I thought I'd show you the latest pile of squares for the Waterlily blanket... I'm about 10 or 11 days behind my one-a-day schedule...oops...

I have also been buying more supplies for other projects!

Oooh, more lovely colour!  I've got some cross-stitch plans waiting for these embroidery threads!

One pattern needs these colours...

Another pattern needs these colours...

Another one needs these...

And these are the extras I bought, just because I wanted to...

Now I just need to find the time to do it all!!!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Swedish Chocolate Balls... Yum!

Look at these delights I've made...

They are Swedish Chocolate Balls, made with a recipe my Swedish friend Anna gave me ages ago - so tasty!  (Thanks yet again Anna!)  You probably can't tell from the picture, but they're rolled in little mini chocolate flakey thingies (so descriptive) to coat the balls.  You can roll them in whatever you like - chocolate sugar strands, coconut... whatever your heart desires!  The reason there are only six in the picture, is that I didn't have much of the "little mini chocolate flakey thingies" so only had enough to roll six balls in.  Therefore the rest of the mixture I left in the bowl in the fridge, and I just munch it with a spoon out of the bowl - yes, that's the kind of girl I am!!  ;o)

In crocheting news, thanks for all the lovely comments and encouragement on my last post.  I have fallen somewhat behind in my 'one a day' challenge (who's surprised?!) - I'm about 3 or 4 squares behind.  Still catch-up-able, though... we'll see!  Although, as my friend Anna (of aforementioned 'chocolate ball' fame, and also the person who taught me to crochet - oh, what a positive impact she's had on my life!) says, it's not homework - if I want to put it down and start something else I can!  But I have just completed square number 41 of 81 - so half a square over the half-way mark - woohoo!

Here is something I made ages ago, but hadn't got round to posting about...

It's a tuna-tin cover (inspiration from Lucy at Attic24 - I'm sure you all saw her post ages ago)  The reason I hadn't posted about it is that I planned to make a few - but that didn't happen...

In case you're wondering what's inside that odd little flower pot thingy, they are cactuses the Lumberjack and I have been trying to grow from seed since about March time.  (Well, mainly him - as I kill all plants that have the misfortune to enter my presence!  That plant in the background of the first tuna-tin picture is his too, although lives at my flat - it's an orange tree... oh, exotic!  As far as I can tell, it hasn't changed one little bit in about six months, but what do I know?  I'm just grateful I haven't killed it off in the days when I'm left alone with it..!)

Not sure if you can make them out - there are about 8 or 9 cactuses in there I think.  Probably too many for the pot if they all actually survive!

Enough from me... I've been a bit waffley today!

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