Monday, 9 May 2011


Finally my Cath Kidston book 'Sew!' arrived today!  Something to cheer up a Monday back at work... and the start of the first 5 day week I've done for a while, what with all the bank holidays - this week is going to feel long!

I don't think I'll start work on anything from the book tonight - I've got other things in progress!  (Yes, after all my impatience, I'm not even going to make anything straight away!)

Rohan is away for work tonight, so I'm home alone.  Plenty of time for crafting then!  Although, I'm feeling a bit lazy so may end up just sitting around, reading through the book, and watching TV.  Maybe I can find a nice chick-flick to watch while I'm on my own!

I'll relax with a nice cup of instant fruit tea from Whittard:

I love these - they are not healthy fruit teabag teas - they are in instant powder form and nice and sweet - just my cup of tea!!!  (Sorry!)  You can have them hot or cold.

I had a voucher for 25% off when ordering online, and free delivery, so I thought I'd treat myself!  Don't you just love the tubs they come in?  Surely there is something crafty I can do with them when they're finished...!


  1. Oh I've never heard of that tea! Sounds yummy as I just can't stand the herbal 'good' ones!! I had no idea you could order from them online either......somethig to add to ym to do list this evening! Don't you just love blog land :) enjoy your evening of relaxing....a chick flick and chill out time sounds lovely!

    Jo x

  2. Those tea tubs look lovely! Im almost inspired to try them myself (am a devoted coffee drinker!)

    Have a lovely evening with the remote control all to yourself!

    Rhi x

  3. Great book, my aunt showed me hers last weekend. I love Cath Kidston stuff but think it's a bit overpriced. However, if you can make it yourself for a snip of the price then that's got be a bargain!
    Enjoy your evening.
    Becky x


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