Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Catch Up

Hello!  So, what have I been up to the last few days?!

Well, on Saturday I had the girlie afternoon and evening - and we ended up having a bit of a mini spa afternoon that a friend organised at the last minute.  Somehow we got to use the pool/sauna/steamroom facilities for free at a nearby hotel.  I find spa things a bit weird, actually.  I enjoy the girlie chatting - but I feel a bit odd wandering around in a robe looking dishevelled and slightly mental - it all seems a bit bizarre to me!  (I'm not one of those girls who look all serene and stunning as they casually stroll around...!)

Definitely NOT how I look in a robe! :o)

I was good and didn't drink, in preparation for the Race for Life on Sunday!  It was soooo HOT!!  I was sweating just standing waiting to start the race!  I managed to do it in 32 minutes 28 seconds, though - which I was pleased with - it was good for me!  I hate running, and I woke up in the morning wondering why on earth I'd agreed to do it, but it did feel good when it was all over and I was glad I'd done it!

Race for Lifers!  (Random image found on Google - I didn't bring a camera!)

I also made a love birds anniversary card for my brother and sister-in-law who have been married 3 years today!  Happy Anniversary guys!!!

Well, I think that is all the news for now!  Hope things are good for all of you!  :o)


  1. well done on the race, and your card is beautiful.xx

  2. Well done, you.
    Am full of admiration. Xx

  3. Well done!! That was a great thing to do!

  4. Well done on the race.
    Lovely card, really pretty design.
    Becky x


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