Saturday, 14 December 2013

Christmas Cookies

I've been partaking in a bit of Christmas baking today!

I made biscuits using this recipe from Hydrangea Girl - but I ended up sticking with the original and not adding the lemon (for the sole reason I didn't have a lemon and couldn't be bothered to go out and get one... lazy...)

(I just read this out to the Lumberjack and he's outraged that I didn't use the lemon juice we've got to at least make the icing lemony!!  Ha, oh well!)

I also didn't have enough icing sugar, so the above biscuits are the ones that were left plain (which enabled me to faff about with ribbon and create the picture above... for no particular reason other than I thought it would look nice - I'm just going to take the ribbon off and eat them!)

The rest of the biscuits got iced and turned into.............

............. melting snowman biscuits!

I'd got the idea from Pinterest (but couldn't seem to actually find a recipe or a proper original source unfortunately) and my attempt is a very poor copy of the inspiration!!

In case you can't tell, the head is a marshmallow stuck onto the icing.  My marshmallows were quite tall, so I cut them in half, and stuck them with the cut side down.

My mum, dad, brother, sis-in-law and nephew are coming round on Tuesday evening for a little birthday celebration (it's my birthday that day!) so I decorated seven, so that we all get one.  Then, I had enough - it was quite tricky - and the rest are being left like this...

Poor faceless snowmen - as if melting wasn't bad enough!  (Well... they're still going to taste the same!!!)

Before I go, check out these flowers the Lumberjack bought me yesterday:

Love those bright happy colours!!

Oh... and Alex, yes - you got it!  Haven't made them yet, though, my greedy belly distracted me.


  1. Hey, happy birthday for Tuesday! Love the melting snowman biscuits - will have a go at them with the children in the school holidays. Flowers are gorgeous too, lucky girl :o) Sam xx

  2. These look brilliant! Just like little melting snowmen. I have no idea what your inspiration looked like, but these are great, so don't compare, just enjoy! xx

  3. Your biscuits look so nice! Love that you've faffed with a ribbon and a gorgeous plate just for US :)

    These melted snowmen biscuits keep making me feel a little sad :,( poor snowmen!

  4. Your melted snowmen are awesome. Never mind Pinterest! My favourite snowman is the surprised looking one :o He's the only one clued into the fact that they're all melting. The rest are blissfully unaware of the impending annihilation. Even your unfinished ones are adorable with that ribbon! I've got to get my act together and make MOAR. I've been so lazy.

    p.s. Yes! So happyI guessed correctly ;)


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