Monday, 27 August 2012

One A Day...

Well firstly - thanks for all the great comments on the shawlette and flower brooch - I'm glad it seems to be liked.  I know I shouldn't say it, but I'm kind of looking forward to the weather getting a bit cooler, so I can wear it!

I got a bit of a bargain yesterday - found a discounted Susie Watson Pudding Pot - down from £9.25 to £4.60.  Well, I decided I needed it in my life!

It's pretty small - about 5.5cm tall, with an 8cm diameter at the top, getting smaller towards the bottom.  It's called a pudding pot.  Now, I don't know about you, but I like my puddings somewhat bigger than would fit in this pot!!  I propose to use it for looking at, and enjoying it's prettiness... :o)

I've been making a bit of progress with my Waterlily Blanket lately.

I'm now up to 29 of 81 squares done!  A few days ago, I set myself a challenge of doing one a day until I'd finished.  That would mean all the squares would be done on the 17th October (which seems ages away!).  Also - I think that might be a bit hopeful really, as it's quite hard to find the time.  I need to somehow get ahead, so it doesn't matter if I have the odd day where I don't do one.  What with working, and occasionally having a life, I'm not always going to have the time (not to mention the inclination!) to get a square done.  Well, we'll see.  I haven't done today's yet - so maybe I'd better crack on!

I hope you've all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!


  1. I would love to make a blanket like yours - I started last year but got bored and gave up! It's so hard to keep motivated with the squares - could you do more at weekends so it doesn't matter if you don't do some in the week? xx

  2. That's gonna be a gorgeous blanket, keep going girl it'll be sooooo worth it
    Karen xxxxx

  3. Love your sunny photo of flowers, so wanting some sunshine here! The blanket is going to be really beautiful!

  4. I love the crocheted squares they are really pretty !!!
    Have a fab week
    Ella xxx

  5. Your waterlily blanket is just gorgeous. Those colours work so well together, and the flower details - kill me now. I've wanted to start a granny square blanket for months, but it's something I'm looking forward to starting after the big day.

    Will you alternate the direction of the flowers? Meaning, will they appear on both sides of the blanket?

  6. I have given you the Sunshine Award.
    Head over to my blog to check it out.
    Happy Sunday.
    Tania :)

  7. Just love your pudding pot, but I agree, it's a bit on the small side for an actual pudding. Perfect for jewellery though.
    Your blanket is so pretty and is going to be stunning. I know exactly where you're coming from on the motivation front but I love your one a day idea. Keep up the good work!
    Becky x


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