Saturday, 31 December 2011

My Little Nephew - Ta-Dah!

Exciting!!!!!!!!!!  A ta-dah for my little nephew!!  Although, I have to give the credit to my brother and sister-in-law for creating him!!!  He is the most perfect little angel you ever did see!  He is as cute as a button, and that is what I call him: Button!  I love him so much!!

He was born on 28th December, weighing 6lb 9oz - a tiny little thing!

Little Button - about 3 hours old!

He was delivered with forceps, so had a bit of bruising, but still looks so beautiful.  Absolutely adorable!!!

Button - 3 days old, with blanket made by Auntie Maria!

I just want to eat him, he is so delicious and perfect!!!  He's amazing!

And yes... you may have spotted the baby blanket you've heard so much about over the last few months!!  The heart squares look so huge next to his tiny little head!

I haven't really got a good picture of the blanket stretched out, as there hasn't been any decent light lately.  I managed to get a few pictures last week, though, when I washed the blanket and had it drying over the clothes horse.

Little angel

Button and Auntie Maria

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awww...this is the best Ta-dah I have ever seen! What a beautiful boy... and his beautiful blanket! Congratulations to you and your family...and Happy New Year with Button :)x

  2. He is gorgeous! Congratulations to you all

  3. Awww such a brilliant ta-da! The best kind :) He's a gorgeous little button x and Aunty Maria looks well smitten!

    Happy New Year to you x

    Jo x x

  4. Awwwwww..... he's GORGEOUS!!! What an amazing Christmas present :) Well done to your sister in law! xxx

  5. Oh wow he's a peach! Congrats to you all xx

  6. Oh, he is adorable and I can see Auntie is very much enjoying her cuddles there!
    Your blanket looks lovely, just perfect for him to snuggle under.
    Enjoy your cuddles,
    Becky x

  7. Oh he is sooo cute and tiny! You forget that is the size they come in... Looks gorgeous under the blanket also - really snug! Enjoy! And congratulaions Auntie!


  8. Awe he is very gorgeous! What a lovely Christmas present for all your family! And what a lovely blanket, I'm sure they will all treasure it! xx


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