Monday, 19 December 2011

Another Year Older...

It was my 32nd birthday on Saturday, and I've had such a lovely weekend with friends and family!!

I was so spoilt with such lovely gifts, I'm so grateful!  I'll share some of the more crafty related ones here for you...

Firstly, I wonder if you remember this post about the 'Love' cushion I won that I hoped would be a bit of a good luck love charm!  Well, it seems to be working!!  Around the time I won the cushion I met a lovely guy and things have been going very well so far!  He's a tree surgeon, so I call him my Lumberjack!!!

He bought me a really thoughtful present:

It's a skein of cashmere wool from Devon Fine Fibres who care for a flock of 200 Cashmere goats - their cashmere is the only cashmere grown in the UK.  It is also hand-spun and dyed.  It is lovely and soft!  This is quite a treat for me - I'm usually very cheap and cheerful with my yarn!!  The present included a pattern to make some fingerless gloves which I have been busy working on!

They involve working on the round with four needles, plus a cable stitch which requires a cable needle - which is why you can see five needles in the picture above!!!  I have never worked on more than two needles at a time, or tried cable stitch before, so it was a bit of a challenge!  A morning spent practising with some cheap yarn with my little Mumsie's help got me sorted, though, and I was able to do the above with my fancy cashmere wool!  There will be a ta-dah post when they are finished!!  I'm loving making them, and am really enjoying learning something new!  (The Lumberjack did well, eh?!  Especially as he's only known me three weeks!)

Other crafty presents I received from my family included this book:

Some fantastic projects in there!  I've been wanting to get my hands on that for a while!

Cath Kidston travel sewing kit and tape measure:

So pretty!!

Matryoshka doll tubs which fit into each other:

I'll be able to fill them with crafty bits and bobs!

Aren't they cute?!

I received lots of other treats too - I was so lucky!!!  I love my friends and family!


  1. Wow you were lucky! Happy birthday for the weekend, so glad you were spooky (and by a lovely man too by the sounds of things!)

    Big hugs!!

    Rhi x x

  2. Oooo lovely wool! He sounds like a lovely lumberjack who has good taste! What lovely other pressies too...Happy Birthday for last weekend... Lsinintnooking forward to seeing the gloves ta-dah! :)x

  3. I don't know where that funny word came from! It was meant to say 'looking'! :)x

  4. Happy birthday for Saturday, you got some fabulous gifts. I especially love your wool from your new man, how wonderful!
    Birthday hugs
    Kandi x

  5. Happy birthday! You did very well with your gifts, I'm loving the nesting doll tubs and the gift from your lumberjack...well, what can I say? Isn't it amazing? Must be a good sign he's a keeper ;)

    Oh, bury all those knitting needles look very scary and complicated! You're very talented doing cable as well, I'll know who to come to for my next pair if knitted socks!!

  6. Wow - some lovely gifts. A belated happy birthday xx

  7. Many happy returns for Saturday. So glad you have met a prince who clearly knows how to look after you (hooray!). Those gloves looks amazingly complicated - you clever thing. Can't wait to see them finished. I have put that crochet book on my Xmas wish list too, looks like a good one.
    Becky x

  8. Awww what a lovely post!! Happy belated Birthday to youhooo!! And fab news about your Lumberjack!!! Enjoy!!!

    Jo x x


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