Thursday 31 March 2011

Busy Week

I think I managed to work out how to set the right time on my posts last night, so any new posts should show the UK time I've actually posted them, which it hadn't done so far.  (Exciting blog news, indeed!)

I've been bursting with craft ideas this week, but have been so busy in the evenings that I've barely had chance to create anything - very frustrating!  I have been ordering more supplies like a crazy person, though - so it's not all bad!  Fun packages keep turning up... just need to do something with them!

However, I have got a picture of yet another cupcake that I managed to squeeze in.  I didn't have enough felt for a stuffed cupcake, so this one is flat.  (Don't panic, I've ordered more felt!)

I wanted to try a different colour combination to the stuffed one (from my previous post) after some market research.  By 'market research' I mean thrusting the cupcake in the faces of a couple of the engineers at work to see what they thought.  Being men they didn't quite understand the purpose of them... (being pretty is a purpose!) ... but were helpful enough to suggest that the 'cake' colour felt should be on the bottom part of the cupcake.  I'd used pink, as if the cupcake was in a bright pink cake-case, but I was willing to give the new suggestion a try!  And here it is:

I think they were right - it does look better!  Also, the good thing about the flat cupcake is that the shape looks a bit better, because it doesn't become distorted by the stuffing.  This could now be sewn onto anything, as a pretty embellishment, or used for card making.  It could easily be glued onto a card - you can't beat a nice cupcake card!  Here is a cupcake card I made a year and a half ago:

Not the best picture, with the flash shining on the card, but you get the idea.  I think the shape of my new cupcake is better, though...

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