Thursday, 9 June 2011

Tiger-tastic Apple Tin!

Ok... this isn't something I've made, but a tin I've bought from Tiger for the bargain price of £1!  Thanks to my friend Anna for telling me about them!

How cute?!

Excuse the reflection of the camera in the close-up of the apple!

They've got loads in this range - square and round tins in different sizes in pink, orange or green.  There are trays, white ceramic bowls, glasses, oven gloves... all sorts, all with this cute apple design!

I'm going to use this tin for storing some of my buttons... perfect!


  1. I love that tine - and what a price! I have never heard of tiger, will do some investigating! Sue x

  2. I've not heard of Tiger either, but that tin is very cute an a bargain!
    Becky x

  3. I have no idea what Tiger is but it sounds like the place to be for very cute Apple tins! I want one! Now, what is Tiger my dear?!!!

    Jo x

  4. These would be ideal for my crafty bits and bobs - if I can't get to Tiger soon I'll get my bestest friend to pick me a couple up in the meantime!


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