(If you are not into gardening and flowers, fear not - I doubt there will ever be very many of these posts!)
One such easy win was the Godetia seeds we sowed.
We had cleared a little spot between some other plants and we just scattered the seeds onto it - I think you might be meant to cover lightly with soil, we may have just ruffled the earth a bit. I can't remember exactly when we sowed them, but it was in the window of March to May suggested on the packet. I think it was end of March/beginning of April, but not completely sure.
That was the extent of effort that went into planting them. They were in an open bit of garden without much shelter, and a sunny spot for most of the day too.
For a while nothing happened, we weren't sure they'd even grow at all. Then little shoots appeared and before long the spot was full of green. The plants either side grew a load and engulfed them a bit over the summer, but it didn't seem to affect them.
They flowered around June/July I think and it was a riot of gorgeous bright happy pink blooms! I wish I'd taken a photograph when they were in their full glory! However, by the time I thought of it recently, they'd died off. (They were flowering a lot for quite a while, though, it wasn't a short window.)
Luckily, during this last week or so more have flowered, so I took a quick snap:
These are mainly the whiter ones, but when they were all flowering there was a lovely mix of different pinks, as shown in the first picture.
You can see that they're quite crowded amongst the growth all around them. Next year I think I'll find a better spot, so they can shine without any competition. I'm thinking a big trough like pot or planter full of them!
Ease of planting: So easy - scatter seeds and forget about them! (Maybe some watering when you remember!)
Sew: Spring (March to May)
Flowers: Summer (June to September)
Prettiness of flowers: Gorgeous! Colourful and cheerful.
Will I plant again: Yes, definitely!
Tips for next year: Plant them in their own spot/planter to show them off to the best!
I've made a new page for these posts (in case I ever post any more!) you can find it at the Garden Diaries tab at the top of the page.
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