Thursday 16 June 2011

Thank You and Swaps!

"Hi" and "Thank you!" to the new followers!  I got home from the meal last night (delicious Thai food!), and couldn't resist logging into Blogger before I went to bed - I'm so addicted!  I was very excited to see the new followers, and had to update my counter then and there... it couldn't possibly have waited until today!  (I've now had to update it for some new followers today - I am enjoying my little counter!)

I also discovered, thanks to the lovely Sarah at paper-and-string, that I have 31 subscribers in Google Reader.  I didn't even know Google Reader existed, I have to admit!  Who on earth knew??!!  (Well, clearly Sarah and all the people subscribing through there!)  So, thank you to all those subscribers too!  It was very exciting news to realise that even more people than I thought were reading my blog!

I just thought I'd let you all know about a couple of swaps going on at the moment... I haven't decided whether to join in yet or not, as I'm currently pressuring myself to make things for my giveaway!  But for those of you who might be interested in taking part we have...

LaaLaa's Magic Ball Swap organised by Hookin' with LaaLaa

Kandi's Little Happiness Fabric Swap organised by Kandipandi's Pad 

Go and check them both out, as they seem like fun swaps!

Well, I'm actually off out again for a meal and drinks with people from work.  Get me, the social butterfly!  Tonight it is steak or curry night at Wetherspoons.  I was told it was going to be steak night, but turns out it might be curry night... I'd been building up to steak, so it's taking some adjusting!!  I think people are just trying to make sure I eat properly, since The Breakup!  Or maybe it's just that no gathering is complete without my winning personality!  Yeah, that must be it...!!  ;o)


  1. I would really appreciate if you could let me know where I go to find who subscribes to my account in google reader. I too have never heard of it!! Have a good night Sue x

  2. Oooh a fabric swap!?? Am off to join in RIGHT NOW!!

    Thanks for that! Hope you have a lovely evening :)

    Rhi x

  3. I love the way you write! Makes me smile!
    I'm so gld you're getting all these new followers! You deserve them. Its so exciting isnt it? And addictive!
    No idea either what the Google reader thingy is.
    Hope you have a good time tonight, whether it be steak or curry - def your winning personality!!!!
    Thanks for your comment on mine - dont forget I'll be having a giveway soon too - working on my stuff..... like you!
    Gill xx

  4. Just discovered your blog and what a great read!! x

  5. Yay to all the followers x Thanks for the shout out too
    Kandi x

  6. I didn't know about Google reader either, had a quick look but can't get my head around it!
    Lovely to see you counter decreasing! Won't be long now!
    Love the look of both giveaways but terrible timing, 26 reports to write in 3 weeks!
    About the yarn for my granny squares, sorry but no idea on colours - the labels have been thrown. I bought them from Trago Mills. Is Newton Abbot far from you?
    Becky x

  7. It must be your personality :), hope the meal went well. Have signed up for the ball of wool swap, sounds like fun, got to get my daughter to show me how to follow other blogs, i'm such a comp dunce, so i will add one more to your counter
    Karen x


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