Monday, 20 February 2012

February Make 2

Thanks for the nice comments on my last post!  And welcome to new followers!

Here is my second February make... a gift for my baby nephew.  Another homemade gift for the poor boy!!

What is it...?  A bowling pin with arms?!

Hold on...

It's a rabbit!!  But where's his face?!

Here it is!

The knitting part of this all went rather smoothly... but sewing the fabric to the ears and feet I found a bit more tricky.  I sewed them right-sides together on the machine, then had to try to turn them the right way round through a tiny gap - very fiddly!  (Admittedly, I could have just left a bigger gap but then the hand-sewing of the fabric to the knitting was tricky too, and sewing them to the body).  By the time that was all done, I'd had enough - but there was only the face to embroider... surely that wouldn't take long......  hhhmmmmnnnn!!!!!

I just couldn't get it right - I kept embroidering different faces on, and having to unpick them!  This was the 5th face - 2 days after finishing the rest of the rabbit!  I had to keep 'sleeping on it' and approaching it again the next day!  I'm finally pleased with this one!  I think I can safely say this is not going to be a project that I will ever repeat!!!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Mini Blanket... at long last!! Fancy Soap... (and an award!)

Well... I have finally finished a "mini" blanket I've been working on since before I started blogging.  A picture of part of it is even in my bar thingy at the top!  I think I've mentioned it a couple of times, but so long ago I doubt anyone remembers!  (Apart from my friend Anna - here it is at last Anna!!)

When I call it a "mini" blanket - it's basically the size of a baby blanket, just without the baby!  I will put it over my knees like a granny!

I love the colours, although I'm not sure those pictures show them off that well.

Here it is, looking rather uneven, and very small!!  Odd photo!

And as it looks better rolled up... here is another rolled up shot - don't get too excited!!  ;o)

As if I hadn't put enough photos in... here are more of soap, shaped like a cupcake, from the Lumberjack as one of my Valentine's presents.  It's a bit too edible-looking, though - I'm not sure I can trust myself not to take a bite!

All wrapped up prettily... and inside...

How nice is that?!  Can you believe it's soap?!  Amazing... although it's far too nice to use!  (Eating is another matter...!)

He even got it from Folksy (supporting handmade - good work, Lumberjack!)  Click here for the shop.

Now, onto the award...

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog award from Twinkles, Tutorials & Twirls - thank you so much, very sweet of you!  Here are the details:

The Liebster Award is awarded to 200 or less followers in the hope that it will bring new visitors and followers to their blog. If you are happy to accept the award the steps are:

Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

Post the award button on your blog.

Pass the award on to 5 bloggers who inspire you.

Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know.

The five blogs I am going to pass the award onto are:

I have tried to pick blogs I've not awarded before, as well as my memory serves me!  Sorry if I've nominated you before.  If any of you are not into the whole blog award thing, and want to ignore it, then feel free!!  I won't be offended!

Friday, 10 February 2012

February Make 1

This is February Monthly Make 1 (see Monthly Make 2012 on my sidebar).

Actually - this is the 2nd make of February, but the first one can't be shown yet, as it is for my nephew and I haven't given it yet.  I don't want my sister-in-law seeing it here first!

That one was a right pain in the..... but this one was beautifully simple!

It is a hanging heart/door hanger for a little girl whose name begins with M.  My name also begins with M, and I don't mind saying I'm quite tempted to keep it myself!!!

The flower was crocheted using a pattern from the Cute and Easy Crochet book, with a bright pink mini button sewn in the middle.

It all seemed to come together really well, and I'm really pleased with it.  I like the way the white embroidery thread gives a nice contrast for the blanket stitch.

I love it!  (Even if I do say so myself!)

Monday, 6 February 2012

A Valentine's Win!

Thanks for the lovely comments on my fabric coasters!  It is very funny that my bedside table looks dust-free... trust me, it isn't!!  Probably the only surface without dust in my home is the section of my windowsill that I normally take my blog photos on... and that dusting is achieved by wiping my hand over the surface before I plonk my latest crafty thing on it!  (What a domestic goddess I am!!)

I mentioned that I won a giveaway... here it is!!  It was a Valentine's Giveaway from Marie, of Heartfelt Handmade.  (Check out her blog, it's lovely!)  Thank you so much, Marie!  Such lovely items, I was so excited to unwrap them... and an extra heart I wasn't expecting!

A gorgeous hanging heart with rose...

A beautiful 'LOVE' banner - this is really lovely...

A pretty flower brooch...

... which goes perfectly on the collar of my red coat...!

I love it all, and everything was made so perfectly, and looks so lovely!  Thank you again, Marie, such lovely gifts to win!

Lucky me!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

PCH - Fabric Coasters Ta-Dah!

At the weekend I quickly whipped up these fabric coasters for the bedroom - another step towards having a pretty crafty home (link in sidebar)...

I love the fabric!  I used a plain pink fabric for the back, and wadding in the middle.

I probably should have staged that photo, and found some pretty things to put on the bedside table, other than the ancient alarm clock that lives there!  But it was Monday morning and, as you can see from the time on the clock, I should have been well on my way to work - not faffing around taking photos of coasters!!!

Oh, and here is another shot of the jar-cover from my last post... complete with strawberry bonbons!  Yes, I bought them for the sole reason that I thought they'd look pretty in the jar!  (I'm sure that won't stop me munching on them, though!)


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