It took me a lot longer than it should have - it's a very quick easy project. I just stopped and didn't get back into it for ages.
I'd seen mandalas all over the blogs for so long. I'd thought they were pretty, but didn't know what I'd do with one. Then I saw my friend Anna's beautiful large mandala/Christmas doily here. I fell in love! Check it out, it's amazing!
I decided it was time to attempt a mandala, but I needed a helping hand, so I started with this pattern: the Little Spring Mandala from 'Made in K-Town'. It's a great pattern, easy to follow.
I followed the pattern up to and including round 7 (but for round 6, I just did 6a not 6b). At this point in the Little Spring Mandala pattern, you would do the final two rounds (8 and 9) which make the border/edging. I added four more rounds before going onto those two edging rounds - just to make it a bit larger.
I'm still not quite sure what to do with it! But I do like it...
I expect I will keep moving it around...
Setting up random arrangements to photograph...
"I sense a blog post coming on" said the Lumberjack as I fannied about doing that!
One more for luck...
I used a random collection of leftover yarn:
- Bamboo Ewe - 5410 Mercury (leftover from my Sidewalk Shawl)
- Stylecraft Special DK - Aspen
- Random white DK (that I've had since I decided I was going to knit a jumper when I was 13 and didn't finish it, despite assuring my mum that I definitely would if she bought the yarn - bad daughter!)
- Stylecraft Special DK - Pomegranate
I will link up to Chrissie Craft's Mand-a-Long - if I'm not too late. Better go and find the post and check that out...