Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Happy Birthday Mumsie!

It's my Mum's birthday today, so happy birthday Mum!!

I'm just off round there for dinner, with my brother and sister-in-law, for a birthday celebration.

Here is a card I've made:

I've stuck silver outline stickers onto vellum across the middle of the card, then used spotted paper either side, with ribbons and a bow.

It's ok, but not great.  I seem to have lost my card-making mojo lately!!  I've been giving a lot of bought cards instead, as I haven't been in a card-making mood, but thought I should make the effort for my little Mum!

I just hope she doesn't check out my blog before I get round there!!  :o)

Monday, 26 September 2011

I'm Back!

Hi!  I have returned from my lovely holiday to Turkey!!  I had such a fantastic time!  It was really great!  Lots of laying round in the sun in the day, and eating and drinking and drinking and drinking (oh, and some more drinking!) in the evening!  I've never been on holiday when I've been single before, so it was the first time I had a real party holiday!!  I think I needed it!

Here is a little shot of me doing some Turkish spoon dancing (where you clack wooden spoons together) with a traditional Turkish dancer in a restaurant!  I've got two wooden spoons in each hand and a funny hat on my head!  (Blurry photo, sorry!)

Since arriving home (5.15am on Thursday morning!!  Aarrgghh!) I have had a work's party on Friday night and family wedding on Saturday, arriving back home from that on Sunday.  All in all, exhausting!!!  Time to relax I think!

I have taken photos of the lovely goodies I won in Jackie's giveaway over at Sew Special Bears.  I was very lucky!!

Thank you so much Jackie, I really appreciate it!!  :o)

I can't wait to start creating with these lovely bits and bobs!  That bundle of fabric is especially exciting!!

Well, I am going to toddle off now and do... not a lot!!  I may get round to catching up with your blogs!  I need to see what I've missed!!  Bye for now...

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Lucky Me!

Just a quick post from me, as I'm off to Turkey in the morning with a friend!  (Another single girl!)  I'll be getting up at 3am!!!  Eurgh!  It should be worth it when I'm lying in the sunshine tomorrow afternoon, cocktail in hand!  (If nothing goes wrong!)

I wanted to say thank you to the lovely Jackie, of Sew Special Bears, for a giveaway prize that I received from her at the weekend!

I haven't had chance to photograph it all, but here is the pretty packaging:

I love that dotty tissue paper, and the ribbons!

Here is the gorgeous card that came with it:

Thank you so much Jackie, I really appreciate it!

You can all see the contents when I'm back from my holiday, and have time to take photos!

I hope you all have a good week!  :o)

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Another Post...

Another post so soon?!  I'm trying not to be so lapse with my blog!

Here are the magnets for my friend Anna, packaged up with a bow:

You'll have to excuse the darkness.  The light is never the best in my dingy little flat - but it's getting even worse these days, now that Autumn is upon us!  Not that I'm complaining, I love the different seasons... and I love Autumn!

Here is a picture of some fake flowers I bought the other day, to go into my lovely pink polka dot jug vase.  (I bought the vase back in April for my Easter Tree!)

I just love pinks and aquas together!  I'm quite pleased with how it looks.  To be honest when it comes to flower arranging (of fake or real flowers) I am utterly useless.  When it comes to even owning or growing plants I also fail miserably.  Poor things always end up dead!  I guess I can't be good at everything - I am so very talented in so many other areas.... hahahaha!  Just joking!  ;o)

Somehow, however, this arrangement seemed to flukily go ok!  The flowers came on stems that were too long, so I just grabbed them all and haphazardly bent them, crammed them into the vase, and it just seemed to luckily look alright!  The vase looks a bit more in proportion to the flowers in real life, I think it's the angle I took the photo at, which makes them look massive.

Well... I must get on!  :o)

Friday, 9 September 2011

Pink Magnets


My crafting has really been suffering lately - I seem to have no time, and not much inclination, to get things made!  Very bad!!

What have I been up to...?  Nothing particularly productive!  Lots of socialising I guess!!  The life of a single girl...! (Well... maybe 'girl' is pushing it, at 31 years old!)

But, my lovely friend Anna requested a set of magnets, so I was spurred to action and got these made!

These are colour set 'Pinks 1' - available in my Folksy Shop.

And here are a couple of giveaways that are going on at the moment:

They are both lovely giveaways, so get on over and check them out!

I'm off out for dinner soon... lovely, I'm starving!!  :o)  Have great weekends everyone!

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post!  I have now made a baby blue square to join the other two...

I'm not sure whether to add more colours, or just stick with these three.  I quite like them together, I'm not sure whether any more colours are needed.  Although I hope it's boyish enough for a baby boy, I'm not sure...

For those of you who wanted the pattern, you can find it here.

Although, when doing the white border, I didn't quite understand the pattern - it seemed to be suggesting that along the top and bottom you skip 1 stitch and do 2dc, then skip 1 stitch, do another 2dc and so on... however I did it skipping 2 stitches each time, as that seemed to match the picture better.  Maybe I just didn't understand the pattern!!  It is more than likely!  :o)

If anyone wants to know any more about how to do it, just let me know!

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