Wednesday, 4 May 2011

I've signed up...

... for a swap!  I mentioned before that Lemonade Kitty is running a button swap.  I ummed and ahhed (for some reason I was nervous!) but in the end I went for it!  You've got to try these things!

Now I'm really glad I did, as the pairs have been announced, and I'm feeling excited about getting to know Kandipandi (my swap partner) and trying to get together some things that she will like!

I will, of course, share pictures with you all once the swap has happened!

I've made a couple of cards lately, and I plan to make another one tonight, but I will have to wait until they've been received before I show you pictures here.  (Annoying!  I want to show you now!)

So... in the meantime, I thought I would share with you pictures of a New Home card I made for my brother and sister-in-law when they moved into a new house last year.  My lovely Swedish friend (hi again!) came up with the great idea of making an exploding box card, shaped like a house.  A great idea, but quite troublesome to make!  I cursed the whole idea a number of times during production!

Here is side 1 of the house, including a front door.

Side 2, complete with their two cats!

Side 3, including a back door.

Side 4, complete with their rabbit (no longer with us, sadly) - and a giant flower box and butterflies!  I decided against sticking with the correct proportions!

Different angles:

Then... pull off the roof, and this is what you see!

When you looked inside the roof there was a little message for them too.

It took forever to make (maybe I'm just a slow crafter) but I think it was worth it in the end!


  1. What a fabulous card - you must have so much patience! I had signed up for the same swap too - so excited!! Sue x

  2. Thanks Sue! I didn't feel very patient when I was making it... I think it is definitely a 'one off' card! I was very pleased with it when I finished, though!

    Hope you have fun with the swap - it's so exciting!

    Maria x

  3. Oh wow that is amazing! I will email tomorrow, promise tonight had just been manic! Really looking forward to this swap :)
    Kandi x

  4. Hi Maria,

    It was certainly one of you best cards ever!

    Can you believe they have been in their house a year now?

    Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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