Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Handmade Candles

For Christmas 2018, my husband bought me a candle making kit.  I made a couple of candles during the Christmas break... and it's taken me nearly a year and a half to finish them off and show them here!

Simple handmade candles

One is in a tin and one in a jar, and I wanted to add a bit of decoration to the tin and a ribbon to the jar.  This took me a matter of minutes the other day, so here they are!

The jar has been used a bit, hence the wax being a bit low.  Also, I overfilled the tin - the wick was getting a bit crushed when the lid was on.  I've since burnt it down a bit, so it's all good now!

I just used some card making decorative paper to cover the tin.  It is very simple, but pleases me!

They are scented with jasmin, which came as part of the kit.  It's not my favourite scent, so I'm thinking of buying some more fragrances to use for the next candles I make (whenever that may be!).  I do like a sweet smell, or something spicy for winter.

Simple handmade candles

So, there you have it - something a bit different from my usual creations!

I hope you are all surviving lockdown, and are well and safe.

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  1. Very pretty! And definitely something new. Did you have to melt the wax?x

    1. Yeah, it comes with a bag of wax flakes that I had to melt down in a saucepan! x

  2. Aww I love that you made candles!!! And they look so cute with your additional design elements :) If you want some suggestions for scents, let me know for next time ;) xxx

    1. Thank you! Yes, if I ever get my bum in gear and make some more I will get advice from the expert!!! :) x


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