Sunday, 2 April 2017

Defining My Style

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself so overwhelmed with all the inspiration out there that I find it hard to work out what my own style is.  I know that sounds strange - surely I'd know what I like?!

These days we are constantly being bombarded with beautiful images and inspiration - on Instagram, Pinterest, blogs, and all manner of other social media platforms that I can't keep up with!  There is so much that I really like - I have an appreciation for most styles if they are executed well.  But, I still found myself wondering what MY style actually is.  I may admire a lot, but what makes me most happy?  What do I want to surround myself with?  What are the elements that I am going to keep loving, not just current trends that I'm swayed by as they are all around me online and in the shops.

Well, these images below definitely make me happy!

Would you like to define your personal style, identify what you like and help shape your future purchases?  Read this post to find out how!

Sources clockwise from top left 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

But I'm jumping ahead!  (I just wanted to show you the pretty pictures!)  Let me back up a bit and explain how I arrived at this and how it helps...

My friend Kimberly from Swoon Worthy published an amazingly useful post on How to Use Pinterest to Define Your Personal Style, which helps you identify three buzz words that encapsulate your own personal style.  I recommend you read it and give it a go if you are feeling the same way I have been.  I couldn't wait to find my three words!

Create a Special Pinterest Board

Kimberly recommends creating a Pinterest board to which you only save pictures you really truly love - those that really speak to you.  You can make it secret if you prefer, but I didn't - you can find mine here.  Kimberly's post also gives some great tips on how to find those images when you don't really know what you're looking for.

The collection of pictures above narrows down a few of my pins from that board of favourites.  I just love how they look, especially all together like this!  Looking at that made me realise I've got it right - it really does make me feel happy.

Identify Your Three Key Words

Once you have enough pins on your board, you are ready for the exciting bit - identifying the patterns in your pins and finally arriving at your three buzz words!  So what are mine...?!  With a little help from Kimberly, we arrived on:


What do you think?  Would you agree?  I think it works for me!

But How do Your Three Words Help?

The main purpose of identifying your three key words is that it is something to keep in mind and allow to shape your purchases and focus your thoughts.  How often have you bought something on a whim because it catches your eye in a shop, but when you get it home you realise that it doesn't really go with anything.  Once you're out of that shopping-spree haze, you find yourself soon going off it.  If you take a moment to consider whether the item fits with any or all of your three words, this will help you identify whether it will fit in with your style and be something that you will continue to enjoy.

It's Not Just Interiors!

Now, I started this with interiors in mind, but I have realised that it applies to other areas too.  Take the crafting I do - I think it fits into these words as well...

Would you like to define your personal style, identify what you like and help shape your future purchases?  Read this post to find out how!

Above is a selection of my creations and I would say they are bright, modern and playful, wouldn't you?!  It really does sum up my style.  I've realised (with hindsight!) that when I make anything which doesn't fit into these words, I don't tend to like it that much.  Now that I've identified my style, I hopefully won't waste time making things that don't fit with it, that I'll ultimately be disappointed in.

This can be applied to clothes too.  I have always favoured colour in my clothes, but the other day I caught a glimpse of my reflection and realised how drab I looked!  Somehow, I'd lost my colourful tendencies and had been settling for duller clothes.  It doesn't help that over winter it's hard to find any clothes which aren't dark and dreary!  They look great on some people, but don't suit my colouring at all.  (Or my style, as we have just discovered!)

It's strange, as soon as we arrived on those three words, I knew we'd cracked it - they were right!  They define ME!  In fact, they seem so obvious, I don't know how I didn't already know this!  I now feel so much more focused when it comes to buying things for the home, clothes to wear, the craft things I will make.  Life is too short to surround ourselves with things which don't bring us joy, right?

These days we are constantly being advertised to, influenced, overwhelmed with possibilities... it's just nice to know that if it's not bright, modern or playful, I'll probably go off it in a week!

Would you like to define your personal style, identify what you like and help shape your future purchases? Read this post to find out how!

If you want to do the exercise yourself, check out Kimberly's post and let me know what your three words are, I'm interested to hear!

Like what you see?  Follow me on bloglovin!


  1. This sounds like a really good idea that I will do in the coming days. I go to Pinterest all the time as there is so much to see and inspire. These 3 words sum you up perfectly! x

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's such a great idea, definitely worth giving it a go - I've found it really interesting and helpful!

  2. That's such a good idea! I think those three words sum up your style very accurately, and I can see how it would be helpful to have those in the back of your mind when you're shopping, say, or decorating. I might have to give it a go. x

    1. Yes, it really is helpful! You should give it a go - it would be interesting to see what you arrive at as your three words!

  3. Hi.I have just found your fab and interesting blog.I used to be a card maker but not anymore.Am totally addicted to Crochet.Love your creations.May I ask what is and how to do a Chainless Foundation.I am at intermediate stage in Crochet so still learning.I do Love making Blankets and get asked a lot to make them for babies.

    1. Hi there! Funny enough, I used to make cards too! It's great that you've got into crochet. If you go to this pin: that might help you with the chainless foundation. There are other tutorials too on my board with 'useful crafting tips and tricks':
      I hope that helps!

  4. From the little I know of you from your blog I would definitely say that you are those three words, your crochet certainly fits that! Hope you enjoy your style now you know what it is!

    1. Thanks Amy - it's good to hear that everyone seems to agree with the words!

  5. All the aqua is definitely you! And I think you have managed to find some perfect words. I am such a scatter so apart from grey and stripes things just seem to change all the time for me. And I suppose stripe is not a style really... nor grey actually, so I have nothing ;-) Fun to read though! xx

    1. Yeah, funny enough I kept being attracted to anything with aqua! Just can't resist it!
      I think you do have a distinctive style... but I'm not sure what the words would be - we need a perfect word which can encompass grey and stripy!!! ;) xx

  6. Isn't it such a ridiculously good exercise?! And I'm still amazed that I didn't know what the fresh hell I liked before doing Kimberly's exercise! Well, no, I knew what I liked, but as you say, I was erratic and buying things that I like, but not things that were me. Since finding my 3 words everything just clicks now! It makes so much more sense. And I love your three words! They really are so you. I laughed when you mentioned you catching sight of yourself looking drab - I think I'd start to disintegrate circa the Wicked Witch if I wore bright colours ;) But that's just me. I totally appreciate colours on other people! Especially our Maria.

    1. OH! p.s. Would you consider using your three words to help rename Dinki Dots? NOT THAT I'M TELLING YOU TO, but we've talked a lot about blog names over the years and I thought maybe Bright Modern Playful might be a nice segue ... ?

    2. I know, it really is such a great exercise! Especially when you think that your style is very distinct and recognisable, and yet you still needed the exercise to nail it down and make everything click into place!
      Ha, just imagining you disintegrating circa the Wicked Witch!!! I think where I look drab in non-colourful clothes, you don't. They suit you and your look - dark works for you!

      Oooh, that is a good idea regarding a new name! I should definitely use those words to help make the new name be 'on brand'... I'll have a think! I need to find that perfect name - I've talked about it long enough - it's got to be out there, surely?!


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