Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Baby Blanket Progress

I've been making a bit of progress with the baby blanket mentioned in my last post...

I love the turquoise and sunshine colour - but am not convinced on the grey.  I like the combination and think it's quite modern and trendy - but after the bright turquoise and sunshine, I'm thinking a bright red might actually look great for a cheery baby blanket!

I've only done a couple of grey rows, so I'll do a little more to see what I think.  But it might end up being ripped back - watch this space!!

In other news, I've actually managed to get some amaryllis to flower...

I'm definitely not green-fingered, so this feels like some kind of miracle to me!

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  1. I do love an amaryllis. I bought one for our landlady a few years ago and fell in love with it, so this year I bought one of our own, they are so pretty x x

    1. I agree - they are so lovely! I will definitely be trying to grow more in future! x

  2. Your blanket looks good! I like the row of white separating the different colours. Well done on the amaryllis, it is so pretty!!! xx

    1. Thanks Amy - I really like the white too, I'm really pleased with the effect it gives! x

  3. The blanket looks very snug. Nice colours! How are you progressing? And the amaryllis is beautiful. Mine has almost finished for this year. Have one bell left, but they are a true joy and make you feel so green fingered! xx

    1. Thanks - it has progressed a fair bit - but the grey is gone!!! I must do an update soon with the new colours!
      I will be getting more amaryllis in future - a mass of them would be beautiful! xx


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