Monday, 11 August 2014

Organisation: Clothes Drawers

Hello!  I have been busy this weekend, having a big clear-out of my bedroom chest of drawers.  I'd had enough of having to squeeze my clothes into any tiny available space in the crumpled jumbled mess within these drawers.  That was when I could be bothered with the struggle, and didn't just dump them on the floor!

There are three drawers in my Ikea Hemnes chest - the top one is for underwear and I organised that a while back using Ikea Skubb Boxes:

I won't traumatise you with pictures of my unmentionables (is that a communal sigh of relief I hear?!) so let's get onto the other two drawers...

I'm afraid I didn't take a picture of the drawers before - I was too impassioned by my quest for less chaos to hang around taking photos!  But here are the clothes emptied out onto the bed (they didn't look much different in the drawers, just a bit more squueeezed):

That was a quick mobile phone snap for Instagram - yes, I'm on Instagram... come find and follow me here!  (Oh, and that isn't my bedding - I'd taken it off to wash and hadn't put a new set on yet.)

That pile of clothes is deeper than it looks.  After some intense ruthlessness, I weeded out this pretty big stack to donate to charity:

I actually feel exhilarated looking at that!  All that space being sucked away by items that weren't being used or enjoyed, yet were making my everyday life more annoying every time I tried to find something in those drawers.  (Maybe 3 or 4 bits in that pile are from my wardrobe, but the rest are from the drawers)

Questions I asked myself during the clear out:

  1. Does it fit?  There were a curious number of clothes which appeared to be shrinking all of a sudden.  There seems to be a correlation between my cake-eating and clothes-shrinkage - what a strange coincidence!!  Life's a funny old thing.
  2. Is it comfortable?  Some clothes are so annoying or uncomfortable that they're just not worth it - who needs to willingly spend the day feeling uncomfortable?  Get rid!
  3. Do I feel good when I wear it?  There are items here which fit me fine.  I've clung onto them because they fit and there's nothing really wrong with them, but I've never felt good wearing them.  When I do wear them, it's just because they're there and I can't find anything else to wear.  No more!
  4. Does it look old and worn (and/or dated)?  Some clothes, which were great once, have been worn to death.  I have a habit of keeping and wearing clothes for many many years.  We're not even talking expensive classic pieces here (I don't own such things!) but cheap cheerful clothes that I've been wearing for sometimes up to 12 years and are well past their best!  It's time to say good-bye.
(All that being said... I think that yellow floral top perched on the stack is coming back into my wardrobe!  Maybe I'm not quiet ready to let go of that one yet.  I don't feel quite comfortable in it, but the fabric is so cheery and pretty!  That is not the attitude.)

This is what I was left with:

I used more Skubb boxes and organised as above.  Maybe the boxes with jumpers in should have been next to each other, but I liked the symmetry of having them on each side.  Can you spot my Christmas jumper?!  Ho ho ho!  I stacked them vertically so that I can see easily what I've got, and (hopefully) avoid messing everything up every time I take an item out.

My basic tops are tight stretchy long and short sleeved tops that I'd normally wear under things.

I'm rather lacking in t-shirts since the purge - and, to be honest, not all of those left are that great.  But I had to make some allowances, or I'd be wandering around naked.  And I know, they're not folded very well - they weren't cooperating and I lost patience!

You can see that there is quite a bit of room at the back.  The drawers only open this far, though, so it's difficult to get to when using the boxes, so maybe that is a downside of them.  But I'm sure I'll end up using the space for something.  Although, in my underwear drawer, I've used more boxes and filled the whole drawer space - they work very well to separate/group socks, tights, knickers, bras etc.  I just put the least used items in the boxes at the back.

And the other drawer:

Pretty self-explanatory.  I stacked these on top of each other because I'd run out of boxes and because I didn't think it mattered so much for these clothes - but whether it will stay tidy remains to be seen.

The Lumberjack laughed when I pointed out my 'sports wear' section.  I'm not really the sporty type!  I've been "going to Zumba" with my sister-in-law for nearly 11 months - and I've been... 11 times!  The clothes I wear are ancient - really they should have been purged, but I should get some replacements first!  (Although, that might be a good excuse not to go...??  I'm kidding, ahem!)  That pink hoody isn't even sports wear - I wear it any old time.

And my fleecy monkey pyjamas - ahhh, cosy!  The Lumberjack wasn't too enthralled to see the fleece had survived the clear out... I mean, you trying to tell me fleece isn't sexy??

The clothes in my drawers are quite boring, but my nicer more interesting clothes (what little I have) are hung in the wardrobe - I guess the next step is to get ruthless in there!

Well, I'm exhausted from writing this long waffley post - perhaps I've included far too much information and no-one is really interested?!  But hey, it's done now!

Oh, and I don't think I mentioned before, but I have a button in my side-bar to follow me via Bloglovin' - or you can click on the link... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Not too long or waffley!! A good clear out is such good fun isn't it and it makes you feel so organised and efficient too. I am in the process of a big clear out at the moment and I love it! xx


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