Monday, 31 March 2014


Time is passing in a blur, and I'm not really getting that much done.  Certainly no crafty makes to show off!

We've put up a print in the tea-station in the new kitchen.

Since taking this photo I have been fiddling about with the teapot position and adding things to the top shelf - still trying to get it just right!

Just over a week ago I had a massive surge of decluttering and got well ahead of myself in my "Less 365" Calendar.  Although, I've nearly caught myself up again now - d'oh!

And slowly but surely a few stitches here and there have been added to my stripy blanket:

Although I've got a sudden desire to make something with these pretty colours:

We shall see...


  1. Love the colours of your stripey blanket and the colours of the yarn for the yet to be what it will be! xx

  2. That tea print is just perfect. And thank you for the wool reminder! My sister in law has a little one on the way, and I've been meaning to start a little crochet project for her and the baby. Better get a move on!

    xx A

  3. Wow, the blanket is looking great!

  4. I love the print above your teapot, such a sweet corner of your kitchen. The blanket is looking gorgeous. I should have joined in the 356 declutter, we cleared out our spare room last weekend, I easily threw away or donated to charity 356 items, I could have done it all in a day!

  5. Pretty yarn colors, they match the spring-like-mood I'm in now! I'm curious what kind of project it'll be! As for the blanket and the teapot print, love them both!

  6. Oh I understand those colours make you want to make something.. go for it! The other things will still be there... Nice tea-corner. I am soo looking forward to the tins and cushions... Anna xx

  7. Such a pretty post with refreshing colours...that last photo would make a lovely mandala (hint hint!)... ;-) Chrissie x

  8. Positioning of the teapot is cracking me up. Ours is permanently in use and under a cosy, lol. Love the colours in your blanket, x


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