Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Mini Blanket... at long last!! Fancy Soap... (and an award!)

Well... I have finally finished a "mini" blanket I've been working on since before I started blogging.  A picture of part of it is even in my bar thingy at the top!  I think I've mentioned it a couple of times, but so long ago I doubt anyone remembers!  (Apart from my friend Anna - here it is at last Anna!!)

When I call it a "mini" blanket - it's basically the size of a baby blanket, just without the baby!  I will put it over my knees like a granny!

I love the colours, although I'm not sure those pictures show them off that well.

Here it is, looking rather uneven, and very small!!  Odd photo!

And as it looks better rolled up... here is another rolled up shot - don't get too excited!!  ;o)

As if I hadn't put enough photos in... here are more of soap, shaped like a cupcake, from the Lumberjack as one of my Valentine's presents.  It's a bit too edible-looking, though - I'm not sure I can trust myself not to take a bite!

All wrapped up prettily... and inside...

How nice is that?!  Can you believe it's soap?!  Amazing... although it's far too nice to use!  (Eating is another matter...!)

He even got it from Folksy (supporting handmade - good work, Lumberjack!)  Click here for the shop.

Now, onto the award...

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog award from Twinkles, Tutorials & Twirls - thank you so much, very sweet of you!  Here are the details:

The Liebster Award is awarded to 200 or less followers in the hope that it will bring new visitors and followers to their blog. If you are happy to accept the award the steps are:

Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

Post the award button on your blog.

Pass the award on to 5 bloggers who inspire you.

Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know.

The five blogs I am going to pass the award onto are:

I have tried to pick blogs I've not awarded before, as well as my memory serves me!  Sorry if I've nominated you before.  If any of you are not into the whole blog award thing, and want to ignore it, then feel free!!  I won't be offended!


  1. Your mini blanket is lovely, well done for finishing it! Sometimes it's really hard to get back into a project you've left unfinished for so long isn't it? Yay, we can be grannies together ;) hehe. Love your soap, it looks gorgeous - definitely too pretty to use just yet... just admire it for a bit! x

  2. I love your blanket - the colours are fab! Lovely cupcake soap too, looks delish ;) Glad you were happy with the award - you're very welcome! Have a lovely day x

  3. Thank you so much for the award! very kind of you. The blanket is amazing you must have so much patience to complete such a piece & the colours are lovely x

  4. Congratulations on your blanket (and your blog award) it looks fantastic! xxx

  5. I think the blanket looks yummy enough to eat. Really pretty! And what is it with blankets that make them look so nice rolled up?


  6. The blanket looks great and that soap looks positively mouth watering! Are you sure you can't eat it? Well done on your award. x

  7. Thank you for the award Maria! I'll have to check out the other blogs too as I havent heard if a couple yet.

    The blanket is lovely, I really think I need to learn crochet!

  8. Thank you so much for the award!! So kind of you as the blog hasnt been going long!

    So sorry its taken me so long to reply, been having a few bloggy issues :-S

    Thanks again

    Rhi x x


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