Monday, 7 December 2020

Crochet Carrot

My daughter received a play kitchen for her first birthday (back in May) which she loves playing with.  I decided to crochet her a selection of fruit and vegetables to go with it...

Make a cute and easy crochet carrot, play food for your child!

Well, I've only completed a carrot so far, I'm afraid to say!  She does have a tub of plastic food to be getting on with, but I do hope to make more crocheted items at some point.  I've been finding it very hard to be creative in recent months, so output has slowed a lot!

Make a cute and easy crochet carrot, play food for your child!

The pattern was from this e-book and I was inspired by Gillian of Tales from a Happy House who made crochet food years ago, before Emily was even a twinkle in my eye, and I kept it in mind ever since!

I made a few tweaks to the pattern as I went along, but I have no idea what they were now as I made this months ago!  It's taken a while to make it's way onto the blog!

Make a cute and easy crochet carrot, play food for your child!

I've got a strawberry on the go, so maybe I'll finish it one day!

Check out my completed crochet items here.

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