Thursday, 26 March 2020

Bright Happy Drawstring Bag

As I type this, we are currently in lockdown in the UK, due to the Coronavirus.  These are strange and scary times we are in, but this post is a bit of light cheerful relief.

This is one of those projects where inspiration strikes and you just have to get making!  For some reason, I really wanted to make a drawstring bag.  I had just the right fabric in my stash, and the bag came together just as I hoped!

Cute and colourful fabric drawstring bag

I made the pattern up myself - it is very simple.  This is the first time I've made a drawstring bag with the drawstring channel at the top, made out of separate fabric, rather than a channel within the body of the bag.  I like it!

Cute and colourful fabric drawstring bag

The ribbon was some I had in stash too, and I thought it was perfectly sunny and right for this fabric!

Cute and colourful fabric drawstring bag

The lining is the same spotty fabric as the drawstring channel.  I've not used any other interfacing or wadding, as I wanted the bag to be soft and relaxed.

Don't you just love it when something comes out just as you'd hoped?!  I think I will use it as a small project bag, for little knitting, crochet or embroidery projects.

What do you think?  I hope the fabric brightens your day!

Check out my sewing projects here.

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  1. It is very sunny and cheerful! Just what is needed at the moment!x

    1. Thank you - it is bringing me great joy. I haven't even put anything in it yet, I just like looking at it! x


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