Saturday, 19 May 2018

Mint to Be - Wedding Tic Tac Label

I am now a married woman!!!  Who'd've thought it?!  Our wedding day was yesterday and it all went wonderfully!  I'm too exhausted to do much other than get everything packed and ready for the honeymoon (and that's only because we have to!) but I'd already written this wedding craft blog post, so thought I'd publish it today... here goes... (Incidentally neither of us actually ate a single Tic Tac throughout the day!  I'm putting mine in my hand-luggage bag, though, so it might get used yet!)

As a little bit of fun, I made a few pretty Tic Tac labels for the wedding.

I bought a pack of four boxes of Tic Tacs, and removed the labels from them.  That was a bit tricky as they were quite sticky - I heated them with a hairdryer to help the process along!

I then created a quick label design which I printed onto label paper.  The labels on the paper were bigger than I needed, but I just cut my label designs out once printed.  In case you are interested, the label I created was 2.9cm x 9.45cm.

On one side, I put...

Cute mint to be tic tac labels for wedding gifts or favours

On the other side...

Cute mint to be tic tac labels for wedding gifts or favours

The 'Mint to be' idea was something I'd spotted all over Pinterest, and thought it was quite cute.  Some people use this idea for favours, but we didn't have favours - instead opting for a sweet table.  I made these because I decided to put a box of Tic Tacs in the handbags of my bridesmaid and me - to keep us minty fresh throughout the day!  I then got struck with the creative urge to have a bit of fun with them... as if I didn't have enough to do!

Cute mint to be tic tac labels for wedding gifts or favours

I made four because there were four boxes in the pack - the other two I gave to my parents.  They weren't manly enough for Rob to take one!  ;)

Cute mint to be tic tac labels for wedding gifts or favours

I thought it was a nice thing to have in my bridesmaid's bag, alongside a little pocket mirror that I bought from a seller on Etsy.

Cute mint to be tic tac labels for wedding gifts or favours

The mirror was from here.

Check out more of my wedding crafting here. 

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  1. Oh these are adorable! I saw these a few weeks ago pop up in my feed on Pinterest! They are so adorable. I absolutely live for details like this. xx

    1. Thanks Alex - they were fun to make! Quite unnecessary, but so cute! xx


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