Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Garden Diaries 2 : Gladiolus Grandiflorus - Orleans

Who'd have thought it - another garden/flower related post!  This will be the last one for a while, though, as I have nothing else to report really.  Maybe next Spring, although wedding plans may scupper that (but that's fine with me!)

ant to find out more about planting Gladiolus Grandiflorus?  Click to see these impressive flowers in the pink colour Orleans.

We bought a pack of different bulbs which we planted in the spring.  They included these Gladiolus Grandiflorus flowers, in the colour Orleans.  They grew and they grew, without much sign of any flower ever appearing.  We also didn't know what to expect, as it was a mixed bag of bulbs and we had no idea which ones were growing these tall shoots.  (Remember that we are complete newbie gardeners!)

ant to find out more about planting Gladiolus Grandiflorus?  Click to see these impressive flowers in the pink colour Orleans.

When they did flower, they were really quite impressive.  Very tall and lovely blooms!

ant to find out more about planting Gladiolus Grandiflorus?  Click to see these impressive flowers in the pink colour Orleans.

Some of them seemed too heavy for their own good, though, and flopped over.  These two in the pictures (mostly just the same one I've pictured), however, stood up tall for quite some time.  Only in the last week have they drooped and I'm not sure whether it was because we had a big rain storm that battered them down.

ant to find out more about planting Gladiolus Grandiflorus?  Click to see these impressive flowers in the pink colour Orleans.

But I took these pictures before that happened!


Ease of planting:  Pretty easy - just plant bulbs in the soil.

Plant:  Spring (March to May)

Flowers:  Summer (seemed to be late-ish summer from my recollection - apparently July to September)

Prettiness of flowers:  Lovely.

Recurrence:  Apparently these bulbs will die during the cold months, unless you 'overwinter' them (I've just been googling!)  That seems to involve digging them up and storing them out of the cold - that's not going to happen!!

Will I plant again:  Probably, but the floppiness was a bit off-putting (oooh errrr).

Tips for next year:  Plant them where they might have a bit of support, to counter the floppiness.  Maybe against a fence or something, and stake them to keep them up.

Can you see a few of the remaining pretty Godetia flowers dotted about?!

Check out all my 'Garden Diaries' here.

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  1. Before you know it your fingers will be green. I am not too bothered about digging up either. If they make it they make it. The flopped flowers could be taken in and put in a vase. Your own cut flowers... xxx

    1. I should have done that as soon as they flopped - gorgeous flowers for the house that we grew ourselves!! xx

  2. Those are really beautiful gladiolas! I have a theory that I have black thumb with regards to indoor plants only. I feel, now this may half be a load of rubbish, but I would like to think when I am a real life grown up and have a garden, I'd be able to actually grow some plants. But who knows! I am an avid house plant killer!

    1. I am also an avid plant killer, and do seem to be having a bit more success with the outdoor flowers, so you might be right there! I look forward to seeing what you make of a garden when you're all settled in a grown-up house in Canada!! xx


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