Sunday, 16 July 2017

Pink Crochet Heart

Finally, a bit of crafting around these parts!

Just something quick and mini...

Looking for a quick and easy pattern to make a cute crochet heart?  Perhaps a gift for valentine's day, a wedding, or just to tell someone you love them!   Click to find out more!

A little pink crochet heart.  It was part of a small gift, the rest of which I will share another day.

I made it using King Cole Bamboo Cotton (DK) and a 4mm hook, using this great little pattern.

Looking for a quick and easy pattern to make a cute crochet heart?  Perhaps a gift for valentine's day, a wedding, or just to tell someone you love them!   Click to find out more!

It's nice to have completed a crochet project, no matter how teeny!

Looking for a quick and easy pattern to make a cute crochet heart?  Perhaps a gift for valentine's day, a wedding, or just to tell someone you love them!   Click to find out more!

Check out my completed crochet items here.

Like what you see?  Follow me on bloglovin!


  1. Very sweet! Also colourvise.... ? xxx

    1. Thanks! Yes, you are thinking right about the colour scheme!! :) xx

  2. Oh Maria this is so sweet! And I actually think I did something similar to ask my bridesmaids! I made little felt envelopes with their names stitched on the outside and had something similar written inside. Except our nicknames for each other aren't appropriate to be written somewhere for the general public to see ;)

    Really sweet and it's so lovely you have such a close relationship with your sister in law. No better person to be by your side as you're getting ready for your big day xx


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