Sunday, 14 August 2016

Crochet Snail

A short while ago I finished making this cute crochet snail for my sister-in-law, as a little gift.  She has now been presented with said snail, so I am sharing him with you here!

I'd had this pinned on one of my Pinterest boards for quite some time, so was excited to finally get round to making it.  It is the Sofie Snail by Stipenhaak, and you can find the free English pattern here.  Fantastic pattern, clear and easy to follow - and makes the cutest of snails!

He was crocheted in King Cole Bamboo Cotton, which I think is perfect for amigurumi crochet, as it creates a lovely smooth finish.  I used small black buttons for the eyes, and white felt for the spots on the shell.

I'm so pleased with how he turned out!  What do you think?

Check out my other crochet projects here.

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  1. Cute and so much better then the ones you find in the garden... xx

  2. He turned out so sweet.
    xx Beca

  3. Oh Maria what a cute snail! Love the colour choices too. My little granddaughter would love one of these-I will check out the pattern-thank you! Best wishes Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! You should definitely make one, they're so cute, and the pattern is very well written!

  4. i cant find the pattern, in english i mean

    1. Hi - you can find the free pattern here:
      You need to pick the language as English. I hope this helps!


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