Tuesday, 9 September 2014


My Folksy Shop hadn't been stocked for nearly two years - you can see that I haven't updated and personalised it since Folksy made some format changes.  (When it was stocked, I only made two sales - and one was to a friend!)

But the other day I had an unexpected enquiry about some fabric-covered button magnets which I used to sell (which still showed on Folksy as 'unavailable').

Well, I excitedly relisted them and received an order for two sets!  I got to work and made the 12 magnets shown above.

6 are the set 'Brights' and 6 are the set 'Pinks & Blues 2':

It was really fun to make these again!  These are more of the sets I had previously created and listed...

I enjoyed packaging them up prettily to be sent too - it made me think I might consider restocking the shop and seeing about selling a few crafty items!

If you fancy ordering a set for yourselves, pop on over here.  Of course, I could make any combination of the colours/patterns you can see...

Regardless of whether I continue with the selling, it was exciting to have a sale out of the blue like this!


  1. I think they're really pretty, and a great idea. x

  2. Congratulations! They are absolutely darling, perfectly made! I can see why they were a special request... Chrissie x

  3. Oh very pretty! Could you make buttons too? X

    1. Thanks Helen! Yes, they could be available in button form too. They'd be the same but would have a metal button shank on the back, rather than the magnet. Would you be interested in a set?
      Thanks, Maria x

  4. We are very happy with ours! Exciting you are getting orders! Well done. xx

  5. I love the fabrics, so pretty and fresh x x x


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