Sunday, 24 June 2012

The "Finally, At Long Last, What Took You So Long?" Ta-Dah!!!

Finally it's done!!!!!  My African Flower Cushion!

Long-standing followers of my blog will have seen the start of this a long time ago!  Back on the 1st of June last year, I blogged about the start of an African Flower Runner.  Well, over a year later it has morphed from a runner into a cushion, and is FINALLY finished!

It's not going to live on the sofa in the photo - that's my parents' sofa - I took it round to show it off.  There is better light in their living room, so I took a couple of photos there.

I can't believe it's taken me so long to finish (but there have been a lot of other projects finished in that time) and I'm amazed that I love it just as much as I did when I started!  I love the colours together.

I had the front all sorted a few weeks ago - I'd done all the half-flowers that I blogged about recently.  I also had to straighten out the other sides, which were wavy like this:

I managed to find a way to fill in, with a couple of rows of varying stitches, so that it looked like this:

I was quite amazed I managed to get it pretty straight.

Here is the finished square - ready for a back:

I ummed and ahhed about the back for a while - I kind of just wanted the thing finished to be honest.  I wanted to do the quickest thing I could do to get it finished as soon as possible.  But somehow I ended up deciding that it must have a crocheted back, which took a few weeks!  (I'm a bit slow/have a full-time job/easily distracted/lazy - choose your favourite reason (excuse) for it taking me so long!)  Although, it's nothing compared to how long the front took!

I gave you a sneak peak recently... and here it is in it's completed glory...

I think I love it as much as the front!!  Rows of double (US) crochet stripes with three little pink buttons to fasten it.  So simple, yet effective.

This is going to be my second June Monthly Make.  (It was finished this month, and the back was done in June - even if the rest has been going on for a year!)

It will also be part of a Pretty Crafty Home (see sidebar).

It's made in King Cole Bamboo Cotton - 50% bamboo, 50% cotton.  I love the feel and look of it.  It's quite splitty to work with, but you get used to it, and I love the end result.

I better get my craft list out and cross it off the list - yay!  I'm so glad it's finally done, and very pleased with it!


  1. It's wonderful, well worth the wait :)
    Sue Xxx

  2. Oh it's beautiful, love that pattern!
    Victoria xx

  3. So pretty, love the colour combination x

  4. Oh wow it's beautiful, and well worth the wait! I'm glad you made a crochet back too, it would have bugged you if you had made do with anything less!
    I'll borrow a photo again if you don't mind for my last round up post of June. Love it!! xx

  5. It looks fantastic. So nice and plump! A lovely addition to any home. And as I always can never be too stripy. Love the back as well.


  6. Wow! Maria, it's absolutely gorgeous! You have chosen such beautiful colours too, you must be so pleased with it :)

  7. Hi , popped across to see your mini quilt and found so much crafty loveliness . Your flower cushion is gorgeous and I love your cross stitch too.
    I have binding envy now ...yours is wonderful and your mini quilt is so cute. Glad to have found your lovely blog...I'm your latest follower :0)
    Jacquie x

  8. Your cushion really is lovely and I've been admiring all your other makes too.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I popped over here from Cherry Hearts. I LOVE this pillow! It turned out beautifully! Well done!

  11. Thank you for sharing this link - I love the cushion! The colours are super! Chrissie x


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