Sunday, 1 April 2012


A post full of colour today...

The above picture is of the colours that I'm using to make my waterlily blanket, previously posted about here.  I've done a few more squares now, as you can see below!

My first plan was to do a flower every other square - but after doing one, I decided to cut back on the flowers, or I would probably have never finished the blanket!!  Therefore there will be a few plain squares between each flower square - for the sake of my sanity!  (They are not too bad, but some bits of the flower are a bit fiddly!)

More colourfulness comes in the form of a print from Caroline Rose.  Yes, I've treated myself AGAIN!!  (I find the 'treating myself as a reward for getting a new job' excuse is really not getting old!  Fabulous!)

I'm sure that most of you read the Attic 24 blog - and will have seen this post.  Well, after reading it I had to go and explore Caroline Rose's etsy shop - and I just couldn't resist this print:

(It's still in it's protective plastic - and I need to find a good frame for it, and a place for it to go!)

To be honest, it was a bit of a nightmare trying to pick which one to go for - I loved all of them!  The one that Lucy of Attic 24 commissioned was very close in the running, plus a few others!

Well, it's late - time for bed!!  Night night...


  1. I love your yarn! Your blanket will be so pretty!

  2. A lovely colourful post! i too succumbed and had to order one of Caroline's prints! They are all sooo gorgeous :D

    Jo x

  3. What a lovely post with loads of happy colours. Love the print to chose and the yarn is looking yummy!
    Kandi x

  4. Lovely blanket. I love your choice of colours, it's going to be so pretty and very apt for Spring.
    Loving that print, so vibrant.
    Becky x


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