Saturday 21 April 2012


It's GIVEAWAY time!!!  I've been talking about it for a while... now finally it's here!  My giveaway!  It's for a number of reasons - I had my 1 year blogiversary in March, and I reached 100 followers too.  I also want to say thank you to all my followers who read my nonsense!  I really appreciate you all, and I love all the comments that I receive - thank you!

So what could you win?!

A metre of each of these three pretty ribbons...

In a little spring tin...

A handmade (by me!) owl lavender bag...

I'm not too happy about giving that away - I love it!

I'm very pleased with the design of my owl... it just seemed to work without too much tweaking!  (Although I guess there are only so many ways to draw an owl, so I doubt it's completely original!)

Some pretty fabric covered magnets (handmade by me!)...

And some chocolate of course...

Soooo.... how do you enter?!

You must first be a follower of my blog, and you can have a maximum of two entries:

1.  An entry for commenting on this post.
2.  An entry for blogging about my giveaway and/or putting my giveaway picture (below) in your sidebar, with a link to this post.  (Please comment to let me know you have done this).

The last day for entering will be 30th April 2012, and I will draw the winner on 1st May 2012!!

Good luck!!!!!!!


  1. Ohh what a lovely giveaway! Congrats on the anniversary and getting over 100 followers, well done!

    I'm a happy follower!

  2. I would love to be entered into your giveaway! Happy Blogaversary. I have also added your button to my sidebar with a link to you back here. Sue x

  3. Lovely giveaway! Please include me in the draw - I am a follower and have added your button to my side bar for a second entry :) Leah xxx

  4. Fab giveaway ! Pls include me. Love that owl such a cutie. Oh and I've been a follower for a while :)
    Celeste x

  5. What lovely goodies you are giving away!
    I'm not surprised you don't want to part with the owl- he is super-cute!!
    I would love to enter.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Congratulations and well done. Your giveaway is delightful so please enter me for a chance of winning. Thanks.

  7. What an amazingly generous giveaway! I would love to enter please. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift xx

  8. 100 followers! Wow! Well done, I love reading your crafty escapades! I am already a follower, thanks for the chance to win. x

  9. Fab giveaway I'd love to be in with a chance of winning. I am a follower of your blog :) x x x x

  10. I have just added your button to my sidebar x x x x

  11. Hi there, your give away items look lovely. I have no idea if it's possible to enter when from abroad (I'm from the Netherlands). Anyhow I'm going to follow your creative blog!


    P.s. there's a give away on my blog too, so feel free to take a look at it

  12. I really want that chocolate :p

  13. Fantastic giveaway! I would love to be entered. I am a follower Susan D
    susand1408 at googlemail dot com

  14. OOOHHH Yes please! Already a follower :)

  15. Would love to enter! I am already a follower and will pop your button in my sidebar and link back x

  16. What a lovely giveaway. I love owls and so this really is special. Please enter me into your giveaway and I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  17. Me me me! Could I win, I mean enter please??!!

    Luv Rhi x x

  18. Hello! What lovely goodies on a grey dull day! Please pop me into your hat Maria :) Of course I am already a follower, Jenny x

  19. Congratulations!!
    What a lovely giveaway - count me in please!

  20. I'm a follower and I'd love to enter! Those magnets are gorgeous :)

  21. Oooo,great giveaway, Maria. Please count me in! I think I might be a follower...!
    Will email soon.
    Becky x

  22. I'd love to enter your giveaway! Thanks for entering mine too. What a sweet sweet little owl. You've got so much talent. Love Katie x

  23. Please include me in your giveaway competition. I am a new follower, having just found your blog, but am already hooked! Even if I don't win, I have found another lovely blog to follow.
    Best wishes

  24. What a fantastic giveaway! I found you on Cherryheart and I am so glad I popped by! I love polka dots and ribbon and owls... and chocolate! Congrats on reaching the 100 too :) Haze x

  25. Yes please, I would love to be included in your gorgeous giveaway, will also put the button in my side bar
    lol Karen x

  26. why I'm late to this party - all my pals are already here!
    Please count me in - I'm your latest follower. Flowers, ribbon, tins, owls AND chocolate? what's not to like!
    fee x

  27. Fantastic giveaway!! I would love to enter. Just your blog through Annie The Felt Fairy and am looking forward to any happy hours on your blog catching up!

  28. Congratulations on your century! What a lovely giveaway, I'd love to enter too please!

  29. I've just discovered your blog, and what a great giveaway,I will definitely be following from now on!

  30. Would love to enter your lovely give away. About to do one for my 200 followers too. Will be blogging about this on my Miss April blogg post later on today. Hugs Miss April (aka Mrs A.)

  31. Would love to enter your lovely give away. About to do one for my 200 followers too. Will be blogging about this on my Miss April blogg post later on today. Hugs Miss April (aka Mrs A.)

  32. A wonderful blog and an amazing giveaway! Hope I'm not too late to enter. More inspiration for my own blog which I hope to start properly soon!!

    Caz xx

  33. Pati from London30 April 2012 at 23:09

    have just discovered your blog through According to Matt. I was curious to see your waterlily blanket. It's gorgeous!! Can I still participate in this great giveaway? Thanks very much, Pati x

  34. .....A great gift for my daughter - on the plus side, if I were to win it, I would bring her to collect it - just imagine the warm smile you would bring to her face...go on, imagine!!!



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