Thursday, 1 September 2011


Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post!  I have now made a baby blue square to join the other two...

I'm not sure whether to add more colours, or just stick with these three.  I quite like them together, I'm not sure whether any more colours are needed.  Although I hope it's boyish enough for a baby boy, I'm not sure...

For those of you who wanted the pattern, you can find it here.

Although, when doing the white border, I didn't quite understand the pattern - it seemed to be suggesting that along the top and bottom you skip 1 stitch and do 2dc, then skip 1 stitch, do another 2dc and so on... however I did it skipping 2 stitches each time, as that seemed to match the picture better.  Maybe I just didn't understand the pattern!!  It is more than likely!  :o)

If anyone wants to know any more about how to do it, just let me know!


  1. As a crochet novice, Im completely in awe of your fab blanket! Im still going round and round my granny square! lol :)

    Cant wait to see the finished thing, and I think the colours are perfect for a baby boy.

    Rhi x x

  2. Lovely blue colour, i personally would stick to 3 colours. x

  3. That's lovely - perfect colours for a baby boy x

    Leah x

  4. Awww the colours look perfect for a new baby boy to me! You clever thing :)

    Jo x x

  5. I love the three colours together, but it did occur to me you could do a plain white one too. Just an idea. Whatever you do, it is going to be lovely.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Becky x

  6. Very, very sweet.
    Great colours, too.


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