Friday, 9 September 2011

Pink Magnets


My crafting has really been suffering lately - I seem to have no time, and not much inclination, to get things made!  Very bad!!

What have I been up to...?  Nothing particularly productive!  Lots of socialising I guess!!  The life of a single girl...! (Well... maybe 'girl' is pushing it, at 31 years old!)

But, my lovely friend Anna requested a set of magnets, so I was spurred to action and got these made!

These are colour set 'Pinks 1' - available in my Folksy Shop.

And here are a couple of giveaways that are going on at the moment:

They are both lovely giveaways, so get on over and check them out!

I'm off out for dinner soon... lovely, I'm starving!!  :o)  Have great weekends everyone!


  1. Those are gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend

  2. Oh gosh!! You are just 31? You ARE a girl! :) I wish I could go back and be 31 again! This year I will be 35!! Hahaha!
    Your magnets are absolutely cute. And thank you for mentioning the giveaway here. ;)
    Hope you have an amazing weekend.

  3. Those are cute. Not much crafting here either but it goes like that sometimes. Hope you have a lovely weekend socialising!
    Becky x

  4. Hi, Snap!!! lol I just posted a tutorial on making these yesterday morning. Love them
    emma x

  5. So cute, love the sweet fabrics you've picked! Have missed your blog posts by the way, seems you've been gone ages! Glad you're being a busy bee and getting lots of socialising in though ;) Jenny x

  6. Ok so it turns out looking back at your blog you have actually posted quite a lot and it's just me that seems to have missed them! hehe... sorry! Anyway, that said, hope you are having a fab weekend! x


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