Sunday, 21 May 2017

Supersize Crochet - Giveaway Winner!

I used a random number generator to pick the winner out of the commenters on my Supersize Crochet Blog Hop post.  Thanks to everyone who entered!

Without further ado, the winner is...

Rachel H

... who said:

Love it! I love using t-shirt yarn, what a fab idea this is ❤️

Rachel, please get in touch so that I can email you a PDF copy of Supersize Crochet by Sarah Shrimpton.

Sorry to those who didn't win, but thanks for taking part.  You'll just have to buy the book so you too can have fun with supersize crochet!


  1. It's so cool that you were asked to take part in the Supersize Crochet blog hop! I am desperate to get my hands on that book, there are about ten things in there I really want to make. Glad you had fun with it. x

    1. Yeah, it was great fun - and I really love the hanging pouch I made from the book, it is just perfect for yarn! x

  2. Haha the picture of the cat... And better luck next time! xx

    1. The cat looks pretty serious about the whole situation! xx


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