Sunday, 7 May 2017

Stash-Busting WIP-Finishing 2017 - Mar/Apr

[If you are looking for the Supersize Crochet Blog Hop and Giveaway, you can find the post HERE!]

As the title suggests, I'm planning to bust the stash and finish the WIPs this year.  I wrote about January and February here.  So, let's see how I've done in March and April...

Not that well, really!


I made the cute and easy crochet eggs using left-over white cotton yarn from the Easter eggs I made for Hobbycraft, with some thin crochet cotton I had been given last year.

I also made a start on a colour-block crochet blanket using yarn given to me for my birthday and Christmas in December.

No purchases were required for either of these.


Not a stitch this time, I'm afraid!


I did make some unnecessary purchases this month.  I went on a great holiday to Orlando, Florida in April - I know, lucky me!  About 20 minutes (very brisk!) walk away from our accommodation was a Michael's store.  I've heard about Michael's from American craft blogs, so had to check it out!  One afternoon my boyfriend was having a bit of a nap, so I strode purposefully out into the blazing sun to visit the shop.  I bought two things which was very restrained of me.  I ummed and ahhed about some other things, but decided I didn't want to buy too much that I didn't have a project in mind for... but I did want a little treat or two!

What I bought:
  • A tube of pretty washi tapes in mint, pink/blush and gold - no purpose in mind - FAIL.
  • A ball of Lily Sugar 'n Cream yarn - no purpose in mind - FAIL.

But, I think that's not too bad really - it was a holiday treat after all!

I'll definitely use the yarn - I've already got some ideas in mind.  The washi tape... hmm well, it will probably be added to my washi tape stash that I'm never quite sure what to do with!

Like what you see?  Follow me on bloglovin!


  1. Well, never mind! It is not homework after all. The pink and gold washi is pretty- I would cover a tin and use for hooks/pens. Lovely! xx

    1. This is true! No-one is making me do it!
      Oh yes, that's a good idea about a washi tape tin!! xx


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