Tuesday, 7 July 2015

A Breakup

I've been a bit quiet here lately, as I'm sorry to say that the Lumberjack and I have broken up.  It's amicable, but sad.  I don't seem to be in a crafting mood, so haven't had anything to show you here - I just wanted to explain my silence.

On the plus side, my brother and sister-in-law bought me the very cute glass-fused coaster shown above, as a 'breakup present'!

I hope to get my creative mojo back soon so that I have some pretty things to share with you.


  1. Hello my lovely, I'm very sorry to hear this news, you always seemed so happy together, but alas the wonderful world that blogging is we only see a very tiny snippet of peoples actual lives.
    I hope you find your crafting mojo soon, and your blogging one too, we've missed you.
    Take lots of good care of yourself x x x

    1. Hi Gem, thanks so much for the lovely comment. It has come as a shock to quite a lot of people, but at least things are amicable and friendly between us. No nastiness!

  2. So very sorry to hear this. I hope that you will be OK and that all of your mojos will return in time. Hugs and all good thoughts. xx

    1. Thanks Amy. I'm hoping to get back into the creative swing of things soon!

  3. So sorry to hear your news. I was only thinking of you the other day and wondering how you were. I'm sure the crafting mojo will return, in the mean time take time to look after yourself. Best wishes to you.

    1. Thanks Janet - it's lovely to know that I was in your thoughts. Thanks for the kind message.

  4. So sorry to hear that, sending hugs your way. Hope you will feel craftier soon. Take care, Estelle xx

    1. Thanks for the lovely message Estelle, I appreciate it.

  5. I am sorry to hear this... I too broke up with my "lumberjack" this past weekend and have been simply making it through the days until the breakup stops hurting. Hope you feel better xo


    1. Thanks for your kind message Ana. I hope that you are getting through your breakup and that time is helping to make you feel better. It's never easy!

  6. Oh Maria, I'm so so sorry. Lots of hugs your way from me too. Take care my friend, and if you ever need company just drop me a line... Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thanks so much Sam, I really appreciate it. It's great to become friends with such lovely people through blogging and crafting!

  7. I won't write too much here, but you know where I am if you need me! xxx

    1. I know you are Anna, and you have been such a good friend through all this, thank you! What would I do without you to bombard with my random crazy thoughts?!

  8. Oh Maria, I know it's been tough. The fact that you both left on good terms is such a huge thing, and a credit to your relationship. You know my digits xxxxxxxx

    1. Thanks Alex - yes, it has made it easier that we're still on good terms and everything is pleasant and amicable. Thanks for being there!

  9. Oh Maria, I dont know what to say. Youre in my thoughts and Im sending lots of good wishes your way. Take Care

    1. Thanks for the kind message Jo - it's great to have such support from everyone.

  10. Just catching up after a long hols, noticed your comment on IG so had to visit blog land to find out more. My heart goes out to you, even if it is amicable it is sad, I know, but you know you have loads of support from everyone - even us cyber-friends! Love love love your new bob hairdo, you're going to be just fine!!! Cxxx

    1. Thanks so much Chrissie. All the support from you cyber-friends is much appreciated! xx


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