Friday, 19 June 2015

Book Reviews - May

My book reviews are getting later and later each month.  I know I spoke last time about possibly not continuing, but I wanted to review this months books as they were so good!

Dark Places
- Gillian Flynn

Back in February I read Gillian Flynn's first book - Sharp Objects - which was very dark and very good.  Her second book - Dark Places - is just as dark and twisted!  I was hooked from the very first line.

The book flits between today and about 25 years ago when violence struck the Day family, and delves into the truth of what happened on that blood-soaked night.  If you want a bright, happy, cheery read, then keep away!  It's definitely not a feel-good book.  I loved it, though - it kept me intrigued and interested throughout.  I highly recommend it.

Before I Go To Sleep

- S J Watson

I'd seen a trailer for this at the cinema, but never got round to watching it.  However, I realised the film was based on a book so bought the book.  Ooooh, this was really good too!  Not as disturbing and twisted as Dark Places, a bit nicer to read despite being a bit of a thriller and having some scary and tense moments.

Something has occurred in the main character's past to cause her to have amnesia.  Every morning she wakes up not knowing where she is or what has happened, and anything she learns during the day she forgets again when sleeping that night.  I won't give anything away, but it is such a good book.  A real page-turner, I couldn't put it down!  Really loved this - definitely read it!  I want to see the film now.

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* Links to the books I've read are Amazon affiliate links


  1. Thanks for the recommendations. I have Gillian Flynn's first book waiting to be read, so I'll start it soon.

    1. I hope you enjoy her first book - I found it a real page turner!

  2. Oh, I'm reading before I Go To Sleep at the moment. I've just skipped past your review just in case there were any spoilers hehee. As soon as I've finished the book I shall be watching the film. It is bloomin' brilliant, I'm loving it, and it is so different to what I would usually read too x x x

    1. I loved it too Gem! I don't think I gave away much in the review, I don't like to ruin anything for anyone, but I'd have skipped it too! Hope you enjoyed it!

  3. Oh yes! This is a good read! I really enjoyed it. Did not realize it was a movies as well.. could be because the only thing I see these days are animated adventures.. xx

    1. It is a movie - and with Colin Firth (can't go wrong!!) - I need to watch it!

  4. I love reading, but I'm so horrible at sitting down and actually reading. I know that's such a lame excuse, and it is just that - a dumb excuse, but when I read reviews like yours, I feel I need to kick my own ass a bit!

    I am promising to read for AN HOUR TODAY. I swear, Maria. It is my promise to you. I'll be a good girl.

    1. Were you a good girl - did you read for an hour?! I can't tell you off, I've been rubbish at reading lately, too many other things to do or think about!!


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