Sunday, 2 March 2014

Kitchen Transformation! (Part 1)

Thanks for all the positive comments on my bedroom - I was so chuffed to read them!  It's nice to see the room through fresh eyes, and hear (read) good things!  The consensus definitely seems to be that the brights work with the room.  I think that's why I've not got round to changing those items - because in my heart of hearts I knew I'd probably change them and actually prefer how it was before!  I do like a bit of cheery colour.  The Lumberjack likes it too.

Well... without further ado - the kitchen!

This is how it looked when we viewed the house (estate agent picture):

We actually ruined it a bit by getting the combi-boiler put in (which apparently had to go there rather than further in the corner, I forget why), when we had central heating installed when we first moved in...

A bit more cluttered and messy than when the old lady had it - and we got rid of her curtains!  (We put our washing machine on the other side of the door and window shown there, in a little utility nook - I've got plans for that, so I'm sure it'll feature here at some point!)

The main problem with the kitchen was that there was hardly any continuous worktop to use - tiny sections of worktop here and there, so annoying.

This was mid-ripping out:

After the builder had got to work - door and window blocked in:

After the plasterer did his thing (something went a bit funny with this pic, but you get the idea):

I'd stepped in with some basecoat:

Then....... after more painting, fitting and what not....

........wait for it.............

.................exciting.............. it comes.......


Our lovely new kitchen!!!!  We're so pleased with it.  I keep going in there just to stand looking around!

I will post more before and after pictures of different views around the kitchen - these have all been of the same view.  I just need to finish painting the woodwork, and I was too impatient to wait before sharing this on here!  So, watch this space for more.  (This is the "main" view of the kitchen, though - the best bit!)

Hope you like it!


  1. Ohhhh, that is lovely, well worth waiting for. Well done to you.

  2. It is lovely Maria! I will soon invite myself for tea to see it in person! Looking forward to see more pictures also, and all your finishing touches. In anycase absolutely lovely - show home! You cannot believe it is the same room! x

  3. Woah! What a transformation it looks amazing. It is a pain having big work like that done in the house but boy its such a big difference and so worth it! xx

  4. OH MY GOD MARIA. I can't even. This is incredible. Girl, you closed that door up good!!! Oh seriously, what a transformation Maria. That is too legit to quit. I would so be in there all day with my arms crossed, taking it all in. That is some prime counter top real estate you're now rocking. Nothing worse than small counters.

    Cannot wait for round two xx

  5. WOW! WOW WOW WOW! That is an AMAZING transformation! You must have just stood there fact you must spend many moments of your day just standing there admiring the space - I bet the food even tastes better now being cooked in such a gorgeous kitchen! Chrissie x

  6. Hey your kitchen looks fantastic, no wonder you are pleased with it :0) Love colour you have used on the walls xx

  7. That is beautiful and you have such good taste. The kitchen I left behind was almost exactly like this, colourwise, and I loved it and so miss it. Blue is supposed to be relaxing, yet inspirational in a kitchen, x


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