Thursday 19 January 2012

Bunting Ta-Dah, January Monthly Make and Pretty Crafty Home

Thanks to all for the great feedback and response to my last post!!  I really enjoyed reading all those positive comments!  Thank you!

Now... lots to report...

Firstly, I have signed up to Annie the Felt Fairy's Monthly Make 2012.  Most of you will have heard of this, and are probably signed up too!  It is where you pledge to make something every month for the year.  Well, I've made a bit in January already, as you will have seen.  I have decided to use my paw-huggers/wrist-warmers from my last post as my January Monthly Make.

But I am also going to add today's ta-dah too!  So that will be two January Monthly Makes, pictures of which I will add to the Flickr January group - link here.

So... the ta-dah!  It is some personalised felt bunting, for my nephew Button - well, for his nursery anyway!  (As you can see... Button isn't his real name!!)

I couldn't decide which picture was best - one was with the flash, one without - so you've got both!!  Plus more detail....

Probably an unnecessary amount of pictures!!!

The other news is that I am joining in with Cherry Heart to make a Pretty Crafty Home.  This is a great idea for inspiring us to make our homes prettier and full of lovely crafty bits, and if we can thrift and recycle to do it then all the better!  This project sums up the plan I already had for my flat, so it's perfect to join in the fun with others, and get inspiration from their ideas!  And hopefully it will help me to actually get on with it, rather than just thinking about it!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your bunting looks gorgeous! Well done!
    Good luck on your new endeavour. xx

  3. The bunting looks fab :) I'm making something quite similar for my son's nursery :)

    I've joined the Pretty Crafty Home group too so I'm looking forward to seeing your creations! :)

    Gem x

  4. Loving the bunting - so cute!

    Thanks so much for the shout out too! :)

    S x

  5. There fab girl i love them there so cute
    Ella xxx

  6. Love it! saw it on flickr! Hurray! Thank you for joining the Monthly Make for 2012. I am really looking forward to seeing what you make! I am going to try very hard this year and really hope that we can support one another! If you do a post about your make then please pop by and leave me a comment so that I can come over and see it! Love Annie x ♥♥♥


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