Sunday 1 July 2018

YouTube Video / Podcast One

Well... I've been thinking of doing this for a while - and today I just went ahead and did it!  I've recorded a video for YouTube!  I have a new Dinki Dots channel... and I plan to do podcasts every now and then.  (Actually, I always thought podcasts were audio only - not video - but in the crafting world everyone seems to call the craft videos podcasts... so I've gone with it...)

It is not the most flattering video - I think I need to position my laptop (with webcam) higher, so that I'm not looking down.  Also the lighting didn't make me look great - a darkened room would probably do the trick in that area!  ;)  I was quite nervous as well - it was a weird experience!  Hopefully I'll get used to it and will be more relaxed in future.  It is certainly not the most polished of videos - but it's a start!  If I waited for perfection, I'd never upload anything!  I can improve in time, I hope.

It's just a short video - about 10 minutes - although it's taking forever to upload.  As I type this, there are still 2 hours to go of upload time.  Rob says it's because our broadband is rubbish.  So, it's lucky I didn't film any longer!

When it's uploaded (and when I figure out how) I will embed the video below:

Or you can view over on YouTube here.

Debbie of The Crimson Rabbit (shop)
Anna of Nrelva blog
Sam of Betsy Makes (shop)
Lucy of Attic24

Hopefully it's not too unbearable to watch!  It's a bit scary putting it out there!

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