Thursday, 1 December 2016

Crochet Santa Cushion

I have now made my santa corner-to-corner crochet panel into a festive cushion...

I bordered the square with a round of half double crochet (UK half treble) in white and then a round of double crochet (uk treble) in red.

The back is all grey C2C crochet with the same two additional rounds as the front, but all in red.

I then joined the front and back with a round of single crochet.

I'm going to give him to my little nephew, as I'm hoping he'll like a cheery santa cushion!

For all details on pattern, yarn, and tips used to make the santa square, see this post.

Check out my crochet items here.

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  1. super cute! I have never tried the corner to of these days I will get around to it :)

    1. Thanks! It's quite fun to try, and I like the texture it gives!

  2. I love it! You cannot go too Christmassy this year I think! He is fab! xx

  3. Once worked out on graph can be sewn on plastic canvas a treble to a square stitched tent stitch. Can be used as Xmas tree decs.


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