Wednesday 13 August 2014

Crochet Coasters

Crochet coasters are one thing I've not yet made... I'm not sure why.  They're a good way to try out a few new ideas and must be pretty speedy to whip up... and we all like a quick crochet fix!

I had a subscription to Simply Crochet for a few months.  (I'm not usually a magazine person, but there was a bargainous offer on, so I thought I'd give it a go)  I'm not subscribing any more, as I felt a lot of the items I wouldn't ever make, but there were a few tempting projects.  One such being these lovely summery fruit coasters in issue nineteen:

What do you think?  Very cheery and fun!  I'm definitely tempted to give them a go - I've been checking out my yarn stash for the right colours.  If you're interested yourself and haven't got the magazine, I've also found free patterns for some similar ones over at Repeat Crafter Me - including a cute pear!

It got me thinking, though... these are very summery, but what about when summer is over?  (Sorry, I'm not wishing the summer away just yet!)  I was struck with the idea of seasonal coasters!  So how about some pumpkin coasters - I found a free pattern by Habitual Homebody for these great ones...

Picture via Habitual Homebody

And I love these beautiful autumnal leaf coasters...

Picture via Crochet Spot

The pattern for these can be purchased here.

I think I'll start with the fruity ones first, as I'm still in summer mode - despite the funny weather we've had the last few days.  (Although I do love a good storm every once in a while!)

Of course, there are so many gorgeous patterns for pretty everyday coasters - the possibilities are endless, how do you pick?!  I've been pinning some lovely inspiration to my Crochet Pinterest Board, so take a look if you're feeling the coaster obsession!

Have you made any crochet coasters?  Do you have any pattern ideas for me?  Let's share the coaster love!


  1. I think I love them all. Specially the cut orange ones. And what a great idea with seasonal coasters.. I have made a set of coasters from torn upp fabric and then with just a simple crochet edge in cotton around them. They work very well and wash even better! Looking forward to see what you are making! xx

  2. I fancied making those coasters too, but haven't got to them, perhaps next summer! I love the leaves and pumpkins though, I am vaguely looking around for some leaves for an autumn garland, and these would be great for that wouldn't they! I hope that you enjoy making your coasters. xx

  3. thanks for including my pumpkin coasters!

  4. Oh, thank you for asking, Maria*! No, unfortunately I have not made coasters, but I've got to say, those round coasters from the book, I'd love to make a massive version of those as pot holders! Husband has recently been cooking frequently (NOT COMPLAINING), but one thing he does is take stuff out of the oven and put it directly on the counter top. :/ Nope. Not cool. So I think I may need to crochet some watermelons or lemon wedges for him. Do you think he'll get the hint then?

    * :P


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