Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Hello and thanks for the great comments on my Christmas Star Jar Covers!  I have been working on a pattern and will be publishing it soon... watch this space!

But before we focus on Christmas (even though I'm getting excited already!) let's enjoy Autumn.  Check out the colour of this tree outside our house:

We can look out at it from bed in the mornings and the colour is amazing.  (At the weekend anyway, when there is time for lying around in bed and we're not getting up when it's still dark and gloomy!)

I made my first pumpkin pie last week - with the flesh from our Halloween carved pumpkin.  It seemed to work out ok, and tasted good, which is the main thing!

And we made gingerbread biscuits at the weekend from some ready-to-roll pepparkaka dough from Ikea:

Right... see you next time with the Christmas pattern/tutorial!!  (I don't know why I'm so excited about it!)


  1. Very autumnal post, full of colours and spice and all things nice! I've got my hook at the ready for your pattern...(I'm just as excited!) Chrissie x

  2. Oh those colours are beautiful. We don't have anything that pretty here in Dublin. Sad face.

    And pumpkin pie - ZOMG YESSS. It is one of my fav pies. Om nom nom. Can't wait to creep your tutorial.

    xx A

  3. Beauiful tree! Is it a cherry?
    We also got the IKEA pepparkaka dough - was it nice? I am saving the baking until December.
    Anna x


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