Sunday, 13 October 2013

Weekend Bits...

This weekend...

There has been some crochet...

Coming along nicely!

[EDITED TO ADD: You can find out more about this blanket here - yarn details, stitch and size information given.  Also, check out my other finished crochet projects in my Crochet tab]

Quite a bit of DIY (building chairs, putting up shelves) and some knitting...

This is something I've been working on for the Lumberjack, if it actually works out.  I started it before we moved, and it was in hibernation for a few months - but I'm making myself do a few rows here and there.  The colour doesn't exactly inspire me!  More about that in another post at some point.  (That is a GIANT ball of yarn by the way - not a tiny little drill!)

And a nice bit of baking...

These are homemade scones, that we had with rhubarb and ginger jam.  The jam was a gift from my lovely sister-in-law - a friend of hers had made it to sell for charity.  It was delicious!!

I've also been working on a tutorial for a little something that I will share later in the week.

Until then..


  1. What a lovely post, you have had a fine weekend! The scones and jam look yummy (I make the same jam, it's a fave!) and your yarn projects are coming along very well indeed! I love your tiny drill, it's so cute... ;-} Chrissie x

  2. Looks like my kind of weekend. :o)

  3. Oh that crochet blanket - how fab!

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend, thanks for sharing your photos - I've enjoyed looking through them and love the crochet blanket too xx

  5. Oh, me likey your yarn in the colander. It looks so sophisticated and regal. Much like how I picture you crafting - in your broderie anglais dress with the fire going, crocheting in the utmost style, with lumberjack doing rugged manly stuff. He is a lumberjack, isn't he?

    p.s. Am I the only one who spotted the heart in your yarn? I AM! I win.

    1. I love the yarn in the colander - it was a new Ikea purchase from the weekend. I got very excited when I thought of putting the yarn in there - it looks so styled! The Lumberjack had to kindly ask me to remove it so he could drain something - what a cheek!!

      Sophisticated is not really a word that can be used to describe me! You're more likely to find me curled up in some scabby old pyjamas, fluffy slippers and dressing gown while I crochet! Although the lumberjack fits your description, and wanders about doing manly things - like chopping wood for the fire! He is a lumberjack, but has a mix with office based stuff now - managing woodland and heathland.

      You may well be the only one to spot the heart - I'm glad you're paying attention! My sister-in-law said she saw your comment and had to quickly scroll up to look for it!


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