Friday, 10 February 2012

February Make 1

This is February Monthly Make 1 (see Monthly Make 2012 on my sidebar).

Actually - this is the 2nd make of February, but the first one can't be shown yet, as it is for my nephew and I haven't given it yet.  I don't want my sister-in-law seeing it here first!

That one was a right pain in the..... but this one was beautifully simple!

It is a hanging heart/door hanger for a little girl whose name begins with M.  My name also begins with M, and I don't mind saying I'm quite tempted to keep it myself!!!

The flower was crocheted using a pattern from the Cute and Easy Crochet book, with a bright pink mini button sewn in the middle.

It all seemed to come together really well, and I'm really pleased with it.  I like the way the white embroidery thread gives a nice contrast for the blanket stitch.

I love it!  (Even if I do say so myself!)


  1. The heart is so cute and I love the colour :) have a great weekend sweetie.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Wow! love it, you have finished it beautifully xx

  3. It's gorgeous Maria, so pretty, I love the contrasting white stitch with the pink too. Have a lovely weekend xx

  4. And rightly so - it is fab! My fave colour is pink and I love the pop of white with the flower! x

  5. Gorgeous! I might have to make myself one! xx

  6. So adorable, I have hearts EVERYWHERE in my house, I like the contrast of using felt and fabric, might have to try one myself :)

  7. Just popping by to let you know I have awarded you the 'Liebster Blog Award' - hope you like it, details on my blog x

  8. Love this! Love the gingham and felt together. So so pretty.

    Rhi x x


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