Wednesday 10 August 2011


Hi everyone!  Thanks for the lovely comments on my African Runner progress, and on the teeny tiny hearts!  I appreciate all the kind words!  :o)

I have a day off work today - yay!  I am meeting up with teacher friends later, who are off work for the school holidays.  But this morning I have been trying to get back on track with things.  This year seems to be passing in a blur of chaos and big life-changing events and I have been very disorganised!!  Time to get on top of things again...

This has included (finally!) RSVPing to a couple of upcoming events - a christening and a wedding.  (I have actually told them in person that I'm coming, but wanted to make it formal!)

I designed and printed these RSVP cards this morning, and I'm really pleased with them!

I'm usually really good with RSVPing to things - I'm not usually one to keep people waiting.  But what with The Breakup (5 year relationship came to an end) and the redundancy announcement at work, and a suddenly manic social life... I'm all over the place!

It is time for a return to organised Maria!!!  :o)  (Well, we'll see!)


  1. Hi, I have nominated you for~
    "The Versatile Blogger Award"

    Please visit
    Thanks : )

  2. Well this is time to start a fresh. I'm really sorry to hear about all your bad news but everything happens for a reason and it can all only make you stronger :) xxx

  3. oh what a lovely idea for rsvp cards! :)

  4. Lovely RSVP cards, super designs, you clever thing! Thanks so much for the birthday email. Will email you soon.
    Becky x

  5. Hi there love your cards, such a lovely idea, really looks great.
    Btw i've moved blogs, had a lot of tec difficulties at 4lilgirls so i,m commenting from my new site. Hope you will drop by :D
    Karen x


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