Tuesday 5 January 2016

Creation Consolidation - 2015!

Happy New Year!

(And I have FINALLY responded to the comments on my last few posts - so if you have been waiting for a reply - there was a question on colours used in some crochet back in October - it should now be there!)

I wasn't actually going to bother with a round-up of last year's creations, as it was a bit of a strange year for me.  I started the year in a long-term relationship, which ended in June.  He moved out and since then I've nabbed myself another victim boyfriend.  All the life changes meant I haven't really been very creative at all during the year.  To be honest, I wasn't feeling very positive about this new year either.  During the last few days of 2015 and the first few days of 2016, I felt less than optimistic about the year ahead.  I guess 2015 really didn't go how I thought it would, and it left me wondering what unhappy things might await me this year - how's that for cheery?!

However... I perked up yesterday!  Oddly enough coinciding with going back to work after the Christmas break - who'd have thunk it?  So, time to be more positive and upbeat and have a little look at what I did manage to make... click on the titles to go to the original posts...

(Not a make, but some tips and motivation for actually printing some of those digital pictures hidden away on our computers)

(Actually made end of 2014 but blogged in 2015)

And there you have it.  Not a lot at all, and some very quick makes amongst them.  There were a few decent items, though, that it's good to look back on.  I think it does help to see them all in one place on these round-up posts, as I made more than I thought.  I hope that 2016 will be far more creative and productive, though!

In case you're interested, here are my yearly round-up posts for:

I didn't do a round-up for previous years, but you can see all my finished projects at the below links:

Fingers crossed for a good year in 2016 for us all!

Like what you see?  Follow me on bloglovin!


  1. I love round-ups! All the best of the year in one cheerful post. I thing you have made lots of lovely things. And well - the calendar is the craft of all craft! My mail has been down two days now, but I will send you a proper e-mail when it is up and running again. Worried about you being not so happy. xxx

    1. Yeah, it is nice to just see the fun makes in one place! I definitely want to make more this year, though. Whether I'll manage it is another matter! Thanks for the email - those shorts!!! xxx

  2. Happy New Year! Love your 'round up' of items you made...all lovely!.

  3. Here's wishing you a very Happy 2016.

  4. A great roundup of your years crafting! Happy New Year! xx

  5. I still haven't gotten around to printing any photos! I remember your post about printing holiday pictures and I still want to do it. We'll see. Maybe 2017 will be my year :P

    And MY SKULL DOILY!!! YESSSS! I have it carefully tucked away in my bedside table so no harm will come to it (I have visions of the cats getting hold of it, yet they've never destroyed anything else before), but it really should be hanging up. I'ma get on that.

    And lastly (I promise I'll leave you alone after this), but I know exactly what you mean about feeling crap when you have too much time to reflect. Working from home by myself for 8 months left me feeling horrendous. But I've been a lot better since my new job kicked in. It's amazing where your mind goes when it's not kept busy. To busy and happy minds this year xxxxx

    1. Well, I feel like I have to start again with the photo printing - as all mine are albums with my ex in! D'oh! I've got no photos of Rob and me, I should get on that!

      Ah, it is nice that you protect the skull doily! Framing it is one of those little jobs, though, that hang around for ages!

      Oh, I completely agree. Too much time alone with your thoughts is no good thing I find! Definitely good to keep those brain cells busy!! xx


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