Monday, 11 May 2015

My Three Most Popular Posts

When I read Lazy Daisy Jones' post on her three most popular posts, I thought it sounded like a good idea!  It was interesting to see which mine were...

In reverse order...

3.  At this moment in time, there are two posts exactly equal in third place:

Fabric Notice Board - this is an old post, and pretty cringeful when I read it back!  Although I do still have the notice board, and do still love those gorgeous little pins I made.

African Flower Runner - also an old one, but still absolutely love these colours!  It probably remains my favourite colour combination of all my projects.

2.  In second place...

My Christmas Star Jar Cover Tutorial - this is good to know, although I'm not sure whether anyone has actually used the pattern to make one!

1.  And in first place, with over double the page views of second place...

A random post called 'Weekend Bits' - which is pretty pointless and yet attracts so many views.  I think it is solely because it has a couple of very cute pictures (even if I say so myself) combining crochet, yarn and a pretty colander, which clearly appeals!  What more does anyone need?

There you go, said pretty picture.  Not long after this, the yarn was unceremoniously dumped out so that the colander could actually fulfil its purpose in the kitchen!

I am still working on that blanket (it's been over a year and a half!) but it's getting pretty big now.  I WILL get it finished this year!

You can check out the crochet projects I've actually completed in my crochet tab.

Thanks to Lazy Daisy Jones for the great idea.

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  1. Hurrah you did it your colours and everyone loves a tutorial? so glad you commented on my post because now I can follow along with yours...
    bestest daisy j x

    1. Thanks Daisy - it's great to have you following! It was a great idea for a post, interesting to see what people view the most!
      Maria x

  2. It is fun to see what your favourite posts are! Don't you find it odd to see what others find so popular compared to what are your own favourite things! xx

    1. I know, it's always interesting. Sometimes the things you think are great, no one seems to be interested in, and sometimes it's the other way round! :) x

  3. Fun post! I will look what mine are! Oh and I found Lazy Daisy and the flamingo! Joy! xx

    1. You should do a post with yours! Ahhh yes, the flamingo is so you - you must make it!!
      Maria x

  4. They are all such great posts, I loved them all and will be back for a return visit soon xx

    1. Thanks Josie - it's great to have you here, and looking forward to you returning :) x

  5. Well I for one can't forget about the perfectly placed yarn heart! That was so cute and if memory serves me right, I pointed that out in your original post too.

    p.s. Love your mom's sweet message on your fabric notice board post. Yep, I'm a total creep. You know this already. The pins you made that are featured in that post too are oh so adorable. The dinaty rose bud ones are my fav xx

    1. You did Alex - you were the first one to clock the heart!! And yes, my little mum is lovely!
      I love your creeping, never be ashamed!! ;)


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